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November 6th 2023  

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- a year ago  

The pestilence of high Technology Recent Headlines: Vaccine News * Covid Vaccine linked to 17 million excess deaths… * Fully Vaxxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows... * CDC — 1 million covid shots will prevent 0-1 deaths…While causing 100,000 side effects… * COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Reduce Immune Response To Other Infections, Potential Concern Of Immune Deficiency... * CONTAMINATION CONFIRMED: Covid jabs found to contain green monkey DNA... * Bombshell Report: Spike Proteins Invade All Major Organs, Induce Hyperaccelerated Cellular Aging Prompting Shorter Lifespan.... The"jews" of Hollywood and pHarma have made the Goyim Laugh, cry and die.... High level no-show business.... A sychotic terrorist known only by the word "vaccination" enabled by leveraged political agendas. ... Vaccines ?..Just Don't Do It! Live long and prosper. ... -Nike/Spock 2023 High risk medical intervention. ... Injection is NOT PROTECTION for the individual. ... Satan original role on earth NT: causing physical diseases, fever, infirmity, crippling, epileptic, insane. Worshiping the golden calf.... Graphic warning of sudden death by needle.... Imagine a doctor (that believes) telling you vaccines are safe for children!... Cemeteries are full of men, women and children who trusted in vaccines. ... There is nothing so maleable as The common mind of the common man.... Doctors are not allowed to question vaccines or they will lose their licenses...well it seems vaccination must be extremely valuable to "The Practice".... People that knew vaccines are deadly were not allowed to yell fire!... Preexisting conditions and a vaccine, guess who they blame for your sudden death? .... They have 100's of excuses for your vaccine death, how can anyone fight against them?.... The cv19 vaccinated dead cannot collect insurance payouts anymore, it is considered an extremely high risk decision, alot like Russian Roulette!.... Life insurance companies are refusing to pay out for deaths caused by COVID 19 vaccination, on the grounds that it is an experimental procedure for which the adverse effects are well known and widely published, and it is not forced - but taken out of choice.... "The Practice" would die on the vine were it not for vaccines. .... The vaccine GUN..why do you think they call it a shot!..... Free vaccinations..DEAD GIVEAWAY. ... Chemical weapon.... Micro-aggression. ... Ignorance of biology. ... Weapon of mass destruction. ... Soft firing squad.... Soft WAR.... A Science (vaccines) that cannot be challenged That IS A RELIGIOUS CULT!...