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Sourced of - Pfizer seems to want to get out of the way of responsibility...right after the first data dump and 38 pages of vaccination side effects for a product that is " Safe and Effective " "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

March 11th 2022  

Category: News



- 3 years ago  

Fredyatelmstreet13: Have a look at the following article about the delisting mentioned on your post: In the second paragraph, it sounds like the entire company is being delisted and states that their last trading day would have been March 10th, but in subsequent paragraphs it talks only about 0.25% notes being delisted. I note that according to Yahoo Finance Pfizer stock traded today, March 11th, and that there was also after hours market activity on the stock. No doubt this is confusing, but I believe it is only the notes that are being delisted that were due in 2022.


- 3 years ago  

Hi MichaelAttoe , you are correct on that point . I took it under the angle of the first data drop comes out damming to say the least , by de listing they would separate themselves as far as possible of one product line for upcoming lawsuits due to vaccine injuries . If they stay online and lose it would most likely be counted as illegal trading due to the known risks of injury and compensation payouts while at the same time running other business as usual . I can`t help the gut-feeling that they have started to use protective measures to keep things going . For example this : The form was a request to delist their securities from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and to exit the public market / why do they only delist 0.25 % and only back of the public market - consider that the ones left are the big players and can afford , hell even know that it will be a temporary loss , yet at the same time know that by the permanent sales of vaccines done after this day would earn the money back thousandfold . A sacrificial lamb so to say . So by pulling that section of the market they avoid intentional / known false trading .Those notes are a weak spot , look at the time-frame , most likely they belong to the first vaccine batches or work related to it , the one`s holding on to it can only lose so much before they declare bankruptcy for that separated part of Pfizer but not the main operations . I cant find another logical explanation , do you have any idea ? I don`t know enough of US Laws in that regard stay safe Fredy


- 3 years ago  

I don't think you understood what I was saying here. The 0.25% notes are actually bonds that were due sometime in 2022 which the company is paying out early, and thus they are required to submit this form to notify the Exchange and investors of this. There is really nothing nefarious about this as every company is required to do the same in this situation. However, if the holders of the notes are actually company executives in a position to make the decision to pay the note early, then it would essentially amount to insider trading because they probably know that the axe is about to fall with regards to the company going belly-up when it faces huge lawsuits regarding the fraud of there vaccine trials. I am not sure if bond holders get paid out before the settlement of any lawsuits. If they do, the above issue would be moot.


- 3 years ago  

The document / post has been removed already - Why would they remove a " Legit " declaration from publication ? Other than being able to say we published it , it is your responsibility to follow the news . So they wash their hands of it . I wished i would understand more of the laws in the US , but this one is fishy to me . Keep in mind the only reason for the Current emergency approval is based on not having any other treatment options , with the 55000 pages out the proof is out that they lied to get approval in regard to other medications - about the testing parameters , the unblinding of the study , the use of a meningitis vac in the placebo group , the board would have known no doubt . The real question is what exactly were those bonds for ? What was the money spend on ? As you said , it is normal that they declare it and pay it out , normal business - but why hide it less than 24 hours later ? And they are only withdrawn from public trading , the Board-members would normally have shares of it as part of their pay-packet and have earned millions / billions with it - so back to liability / insider trading , how many lawsuits have been filed against Pfizer in regard to the vaccine - if they get paid out , it would still leave the component of fraud , perjury regarding the trials but evade insider trading ..or not ?? i can feel that i am close but something is missing and considering that they lied through their teeth for the last 2 years isn`t helping . Can you please let me know if you can see the missing puzzle piece or were i may go wrong since i lack US knowledge / Laws . stay safe Fredy


- 3 years ago  

Hi MichaelAttoe , friends did some digging on that so i got more data , have you seen this : that is just the removal , then it turned up here -- about half way down in this one it gets interesting -- I looked up the CFR citation they checked off — 17 CFR § 240.12d2-2 — which refers to securities that become part of “evidence” or fall under a “court order.” This comes just as the second batch of Pfizer’s clinical trial documents were released late last week, through the court case filed by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency in September 2021. And just as people reviewing those documents have learned more about what corporate Pfizer knew about the bioaccumulation, pharmacokinetics and toxicity of its mRNA products, and when it knew those things. And just as other freedom of information disclosures make clear that the US Department of Health and Human Services transferred massive amounts of public money into private legacy media corporations to market and promote Pfizer’s product. And just as Attorney Thomas Renz, who broke the Department of Defense DMED story, also yesterday (March 7, 2022) notified the federal government and other defendants of planned lawsuits. Special Notice of Evidentiary Findings. The getaway plan is coming into view. Pfizer is a “corporate person” under the law. As a corporate person, it committed murder, medical battery, torture and fraud, through a US government marketing program executed by legacy media outlets, and with the physical element of the crime committed by more-or-less uninformed and coerced nurses and pharmacists who injected the toxic pharmaceutical product into recipients at hundreds of sites across the country. Now Pfizer is poised to get permission from the US government Securities and Exchange Commission to dissolve its legal personhood and disappear, legally, forever. Leaving no criminal defendant behind to face the charges through the judicial system, or pay damages to the survivors of murdered victims or victims facing lifelong disabilities. -- This is out of the following link -- -- What if those bonds were only in the hands of the board members , the inner circle ? that way they can shut it down on the spot without long consultations with public since all shareholders sit on the table . The withdrawal as such is legit , no problem , yet the timing in relation to the data-dumps and lawsuits is odd to say the least . Out of some debate about this ....We looked it up. The Australian Financial Review is the equivalent of the Financial Times in the UK and I don't know why they are printing something that is incorrect. Here we go, hq and I were chatting about it yesterday: hq — 11/03/2022 no, some people like me saw the Form 25 filed with SEC and assumed it was for Pfizer proper, but it's just a routine retiring of an old debt instrument. ( early retirement ) Companies can have all kinds of capital, ranging from ordinary equity (common stock) to senior secured bonds (debt). They can all be listed on exchanges (not just equity that most people are familiar with - "shares"). But you are probably also familiar with the term "stocks and shares"? "Stock" can refer to other capital classes, like "loan stock", i.e. debt - "corporate bonds". The security that is referenced in the document you shared has a "coupon", an interest rate (0.25%) and a redemption date (2022). This means it is some sort of loan stock. It has matured so there is no need to keep it listed on the exchange! There seems to be nothing out of the ordinary here IMO. There's no way they could simply apply to have their common stock (equity/shares) delisted from the exchange like that. They would first have to buy them all back or call an extraordinary meeting to get shareholders to agree to the delisting. And even then, this would not cause the company to cease to exist. It would simply mean that its shares no longer trade on an exchange. To cause the company to cease to exist is a winding up process which would take months and a whole lot more paperwork than a form!! -- Joanie — Yesterday at 1:23 PM I think they might be starting a pivot to form a new co. for their new 'gene therapy meds' something like that. That's what they do. Change names but all the players stay the same. -- Jen — Yesterday at 1:24 PM There is nothing untoward about the form 25. Lots of things untoward about Pfizer's products but that is another subject. noahide-is-going to get u — Yesterday at 1:25 PM my origin thought was that with the billions of cov windfall, gift really, they would buy back own shares ,, or 2 -at least pay back any debts they have.. normally they would borrow at near zero % , but the financial system is going down, and with % hikes coming, then pay ur debts before hand.. did not think they were going bust,, the system is too rigged for them to sued, no one knows the details of government contracts,, -- Jen — Yesterday at 1:29 PM The company is swimming in money and so are their shareholders and they have indemnities against being sued for damage caused by their products under the EUA. They can't loose. -- noahide-is-going to get u — Yesterday at 1:32 PM from my understanding is that they got their shills in government to give them immunity,, and now we know that the governments had the data sets showing alot of vax injuries existed when they were given the go ahead,, so it will be the tax payers that will have to pay up,, again. the tax payer fund the research, fund the companies, pay with their lives,and injuries and then pay themselves compensation if they win in court.. Jen — Yesterday at 1:35 PM Ah, but we were in the midst of a pandemic with a "novel" coronavirus and there were no other treatments available except an experimental vaccine that had very little research or trials and no long term data. What could go wrong?......... and lets make sure as many people are encouraged or forced to get it as possible. stay safe Fredy