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7 Universities Now Suing The CDC -for lack of covid virus !

  - 2:53

Sourced of - Hugh Jass -






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February 13th 2021  

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- 4 years ago  

What is this guy's name (not his credentials), since this article debunks the information... yet this person is on camera:


- 4 years ago  

I should add, this was based primarily (supposedly) on the words of Robert Oswald, but this is NOT Robert Oswald... and so, who is it? What university is he from? And why is Robert Oswald suggesting the opposite? Gov't pressure? WHO pressure?


- 4 years ago  

@CoolGuitarGear-I wished i had his name , i checked the link and the warning lights go on ! 4get for a moment that it is a fact checker which is the first tool of misinformation our-days . The virus has never been isolated anywhere on earth !! CDC admitted it so have other countries .The type of PCR test used was computer modeled by Dr Drosten /Germany who was also involved in the swine-flue lie , that paper was accepted as standard within 48 hours without peer review . Now he is pressured to retract said document for lack of data ! The Test kits were sold by WITS in 2017/18 BEFORE THE VIRUS WAS KNOWN who deals in weapons have a population forecast for 2025 , what to fuck is that about ?? 100th of millions gone !! the fact checker uses wording " And the novel coronavirus has affected more people globally in cases and deaths than the average flu season " IN CASES WHICH IN TURN ARE BASED ON A FLAWED TEST .WHILE THE REAL FLUE STATS ARE GONE ON HOLIDAY SINCE COVID ARRIVED ,HOW CONVENIENT . Funeral homes speak up since they don't have access death by the millions -doctors and hospitals get paid to state that covid is the cause of death, easy done since the WHO has changed the goalposts in regard what is included in the number of cases , before in hospital , now a flawed test is enough .Hence they get the numbers to call it a pandemic - which in turn is used as justification for the state of emergency and lock-downs.Quiet handy if you can write the rules to suit the needs and investigate yourself as proof . Then they use references of John Hopkins , who in al irony have run the event 201 simulations -Lockstep 2010 with Gates as financial Backer .At the same time he will earn billions on his shares in Pfizer and other big pharma . It just does not ad up -so i would not be surprised at all if somebody muzzled him Fredy


- 4 years ago  

This will be the biggest scandal of the first 25 years of the 21st. Century if not the whole century. Heads must and will role before it's all done and over.