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🇦🇺 Royal Commission 'Terms of Reference' Motion Passes the Senate!

  - 14:08

Sourced of - Malcolm Roberts - Since July 2020, I've been speaking about the fear, the oppression and the inhuman cruelty of our COVID response. Each of the measures in the COVID response was designed to add to the fear and anguish to keep the population scared and compliant, with measures that contradicted the government's own rule book that had just been updated in 2019. Developed over many years of successes and failures, this document clearly had arrived at the right way to handle COVID. It's called the Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza. Why was this Australian-made policies and procedures manual thrown out for a foreign military-style countermeasures response that involved national cabinet, secret contracts, clandestine meetings and authoritarian decision making? No wonder the government is exempting itself and the mainstream media from its own misinformation and disinformation bill. I promised to hound down those responsible and I will be relentless in keeping that promise. An inquiry must look at what we knew about the risk to human life at each stage of our response and compare that risk to the benefit achieved from the Commonwealth response to that risk. The Chair of the L&CA References Committee spoke well and said he would welcome the task. One Nation does not accept that the "toothless" inquiry the Prime Minister announced is in any way fit for purpose. If now is the appropriate time for the PM to call his inquiry into COVID, then surely now is also time for a Royal Commission. Appointing COVID insiders, who championed the COVID response, to conduct an inquiry into themselves and their mates is a travesty of justice. We can't ignore our sworn duty as the House of Review any longer and asked the Senate to start the process by passing this Motion.






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