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THEY have ONE THING in common






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

April 24th 2022  

Category: NewTube Related



- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

A Weimar Republic !


- 2 years ago  

Et tu? And what is your point, that every single Jewish person in the world is involved in this kaval and there are no other people of any other ethnic origin involved? You have taken a few people involved in this and identify them as Jewish and if implicated the entire Jewish population. Why don't you show a complete list of all the people that are involved in this? Probably because you damn well know that the number would be overwhelmingly non-jewish. It is the fact that it is a cabal working together; their ethnicity is irrelevant. Please do not stoop to this level.


- 2 years ago  

Dear MichaelAttoe - No that is not what i am trying to show with this . As a matter of fact , most likely 95 % plus of Jews are good people , just as us trapped between the Front`s of War on reality , yet those here sit at the cornerstones of influential power and have choreographed this global breakdown for a very long time . Hence your comment of their are more non jews involved in it is also correct , but the ruling elite in it belongs to a specific small yet extremely powerful subset ( Hard Right Wing Zionists for one ) of the Jewish population and i see them as the driving force , while using the west`s industrial / financial / greed driven systems that they mostly created themselves as tools . A complete list i do not have , BUT IT WOULD FOR SURE show the Board-members of every large western company / banks / Climate change fraud / Supported by Sorros /IMF/WHO/UN etc etc and other religious group in one way or the other - Tools driven by the very circumstances that this very small group of Jews created . Hope that makes it clearer stay safe Fredy


- 2 years ago  

Zionism, in the conventional sense among Jewish people, literally means a return of the Jewish people to Israel. The people you have mentioned here have nothing to do with that and therefore are not zionists in that sense. They may have developed their own definition of that, but that does not make them zionists other than in their own minds. Even the conventional sense of Zionism by the Jewish people is completely misconstrued as some promise of a physical place on Earth for the Jewish people to establish their own nation. In actual fact, the first five books of the Old Testament are an allegory, loosely based on the history of the Jewish people, of the souls separation from and return to God, with God represented by Israel, or the land of milk and honey as stated in the Bible. I see the rest of the Old Testament as simply being stories of the soul's attempt to return to God and its failures to do so, essentially represented by the Jewish people being cast out of Israel as punishment for going astray from the Commandments of God.


- 2 years ago  

You may very well not have meant to impugn all Jewish people, that is indeed what you are doing by posting things like this. You may not have noticed that on this platform there is a very real trend of people posting similar things who clearly believe that all Jews are to blame. I know this because when I comment on their post pointing out that they are not they give arguments that clearly indicate they think all Jewish people are indeed responsible. Post things like yours simply served a full mint their twisted thinking. I would reiterate that the people you mentioned happened to be Jews only in the sense being born to Jewish parents and not in the sense that they represent Judaism in the least. As for all of the cabal being zionists, clearly Obama is one of them. Is he a Zionist? Hardly, as he in fact was born in Africa to a Muslim father, although he claims otherwise and claims to be Christian when in fact he's simply moved to Hawaii with his mother sometime after he was born. He is certainly not Jewish at any rate. The one thing notable of the people that make up this cabal is that they have no loyalties to anybody else but who they perceive as fellow aristocrats, including country of birth or ethnic origins, so it is extremely unlikely that any of this is based on anything other than their wealth, certainly not ethnicity or religion.


- 2 years ago  

Hi MichaelAttoe , ok lets take a different angle on this ...J. Biden`s statement that you don`t have to be a jew to be zionist , then you have a long look at the young global leader`s list and their goals compared to what this subset are doing ..and now look at the ideological history / background of heads of state...Merkel , Macrone - lets go to australia , oops the leaders are all under the chabat / zionist / jewish faith and collaborate to the fullest , just not for the citizens of their countries, just as it is around the globe . So we get in a circle back to WHAT is in common here , and that is the heritage and connections into the NGO`s ( and who set them up ..) like WHO IMF etc .heck most of europe`s leader work together under the direction of this small subset and are part or real jews and have been lying about it . I am not responsible if some racist dumbos dont look at the whole story and use this post as justification for their hate - i aim to expose the fraction that is abusing their powers irrelevant of their heritage , nothing more . Or how about the running behind the scene attempt to use ukraine as canon fodder to set up the new golden israel right were ukraine is now . After all , all the money spend for this mass murder is coming back to who is in control here . And as consequence of the actions who has to pay it back ? Hang on they can`t so the same NGO`s can rock up and confiscate the assets of the people who have not voted for it , not once . Ergo they built the perfect snare / trap to further the power of those small subset that tries to enslave us .The financing of the wars in history , who own the monetary systems and makes the profit of it rather than the very same persons that worked for it . Shall we look at the science sector and who is in positions of power and created this bio warfare agent ? I understand by your comment that it may be offensive , yet i ensure you billions of people around the globe have to suffer that problem , incl me . Emphasis must be set on THE SMALL SUBSET !! But not the majority of em . And were did israel get the land they are currently living on ..back to UN / WHO and who runs those ?? Systematic infiltration in key sectors over centuries again by the same group - how about the 95 % plus god people of israel stand up against the tyrants that try to overthrow the world and enslave humanity , i am still looking for them without luck yet the west shuffles money into their country to the point of ridiculous , back to what religious direction do those western so called leaders belong to ??? The problem is far more that they hide within the larger group of jews, yet the large group profits from their goals but does nothing to stop the betrayal em mass , pushed on by figureheads like Harari another young global leader under schwab . I am aware that this is a hot topic and appreciate your pointed neutral comment . Mayby you can provide me with an optional title , so any miss reading of this post is minimized stay safe Fredy


- 2 years ago  

Have you ever heard of the acronym KISS? It stands for keep it simple stupid. Note, I am not calling you stupid, it is simply a word in the saying. I'm sorry to have to say this, but your blathering on like this merely serves to complicate something that should not be complicated at all. This all boils down to the simple fact that none of the people who are part of this cabal have any loyalties to anything other than their perceived class of aristocracy, which they are actually trying to recreate as a ruling class over all of the world with the rest of us as serfs. This includes them having no loyalty whatsoever to whatever label of faith, ethnic group, race, or whatever other identifying label they happened to have that one can come up with. Such labels applied to them are irrelevant to what they are doing. By posting things like you did, you are a falling for a classic warfare tactic of creation of division in one's opposition, and make no mistake we are at war in the form of class warfare. Posts like yours serve no other purpose than to create a distraction from a cohesive assault on these aristocratic wannabes. Please, please stop it!!!


- 2 years ago  

Hi Michael , lol Kiss , yeap i got a tat carried away trying to explain that better . And no i dont feel offended by it . Now i point you to a part of what you said : ( This includes them having no loyalty whatsoever to whatever label of faith, ethnic group, race, or whatever other identifying label they happened to have that one can come up with. Such labels applied to them are irrelevant to what they are doing ) How do you explain that that group is trying to do it pushing towards Noahhide laws ? That in itself shows what faith they want to do it under . That is a old core believe of the very same small group of Aristocratic behaving lot , hence i have not fallen for a old tactic but are peeling the layers back and separate the groups ,this is what comes up so far . Utterly agree that we have a class war going on , the question is what class under which rules - A: for them / B: for us , and it sure ain`t looking good for us . With the WHO pandemic ruling coming up that overrides EVERY countries laws under the umbrella led by the very same group , which will lead to the takeover of western society under old jewish laws so yes i am gunning for it because i see the future picture of powerplay and who makes what rules - again not fallen for a old tactic but separating the players and their driving agenda . stay safe Fredy


- 2 years ago  

It fucking Jewriffic.!