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Mind Blown



Ukraine woman mock cuts throat of kneeling Russian - Ukrainian Propaganda video

  - 1:46

But the Ukrainians are the good guys right? Original video found here: 'Fake: There is no Nazism in Ukraine. This thesis is constantly promoted by the Ukrainian media. True: In a Ukrainian propaganda video, a young girl who symbolizes Ukraine cuts the throat of a kneeling man with a sickle. The girl calls the Russians "pigs" and promises that "your corpses will rot in the fields. They will be tormented by dogs and wild animals." This falls under Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (calls to extremism) and 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement to hatred). The production of the video one-on-one resembles what the ISIS fighters filmed * and for which the whole world condemned them. The introduction, the demonstrative execution of a kneeling man, and the promise of death. We wrote a story about the national battalions in Ukraine and the case of the murder of a serviceman by a fighter of the defense. We must not forget about the numerous cases of the use of Nazi symbols in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, starting with flags and stripes, and ending with a greeting. Also, it was the national battalion of the "Boatswain" that allowed shooting at people "without blue bandages in the Butch" and tied their hands behind their backs when shooting prisoners. *Banned in the Russian Federation'






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April 11th 2022  

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Category: News



- a year ago  

Russians should have stayed home, stupid fucks all going to die. Ukrainians are clearly not going to give up a piece of their land. People who can't see Putin is the new Hitler are fucking idiots, study Sudetenland and the policy of appeasement. Fascist russian scum will burn in hell.

Mind Blown

- a year ago  

The old "he's the new Hitler" mantra is especially ironic given that Ukraine has literal Nazi brigades (Azov Battalions) in their ranks. Not a conspiracy theory or a secret, even the BBC was reporting on them. Also, the Ukranians were ethnically cleansing the mostly Russian Donbas region for 8 years prior to the invasion, Russia has also made it clear since 1991 that they will not accept a NATO Ukraine. Perhaps you should be careful who you call idiot when you can't comprehend that some issues are more complex than "muh media" portrays them eh?


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

This disgusts me, reminiscent of ISIS except it utilizes a young smiling woman executioner wearing a white robe with flowers in her hair holding a sickle (part of the emblem of the former Soviet Union). No one has clean hands in this senseless butchery. Corruption runs ramped all across Eastern Europe. Ukraine has the absolute right to be a sovereign country. Russia must pay dearly for the cruelty it has delivered to Ukraine but this type of propaganda and the media display of distraught captured prisoners of war is incomprehensible. (and maybe in violation of Geneva Convention Laws) No one will ever forgive or forget this, especially in Eastern Europe and this ages-old hate will continue forever because it's all well documented digitally for future generations. World war 3 may be the only reset. "We thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe" - Albert Einstein. I sincerely hope and pray for civilized resolutions.


- 2 years ago  

Copycat from the Al Quaida days?

Mind Blown

- 2 years ago  

Sure looks like it


- 2 years ago  

Azov Nazi film

Mind Blown

- 2 years ago  

Yep! Total aside but her lip is swollen, I wonder him punched her in the mouth?

Mind Blown

- 2 years ago  

*who punched her in the mouth (not him)