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Mind Blown



Bill Gates - Why he switched from Microsoft to Vaccines

  - 23:27

Dubbed "Bill Gates - The Deleted Documentary" a brief but rather eye opening expose on the man with no degree who is a self appointed expert on all things vaccination.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

December 23rd 2020  

File Size: 462 MB

Category: Technology & Science


Anti Illuminati

- 4 years ago  

Dieing Souls of Babylon Look. Look. See with your eyes... Not with your mind? Bluebeam project gonna fool mankind. Another false flag. Covid-19. Let's take a peek behind the scenes. Propagated media. Secrets and lies. Fall for the government's alibis. Agenda 21. The U.N. plan. Crypto currency for the evolved man. A new global net. 5G and A.I. Dieing world of radiation, Stay at home or die. A century of deception from the United Snakes. Ashcroft, The Bushes, Clinton's, Bill Gates. Names put to paper for a system of control. Fiat money for credit. The fight for your soul. Wall Street, Rupert Murdoch. J.P. Morgan, Apple tech stock. I could make a list of who's been ripping us off. Monsanto sells us cancer. Socialism ain't the answer. These people have stole billions and it still ain't enough. At the Georgia Guidestones. There's a small celestial hole. Astrology. Mythology. Dichotomy for the elite. A new age 10 commandments. Multi language, etched in granite. Scientology. Egyptology. Suckle from Crowly's teat. (Continued...)

Anti Illuminati

- 4 years ago  

With ears they do not hear, and with eyes they do not see. Dieing souls of Babylon, There is no victory. Invent the tools to break all the rules, Sell it to fools in Idolatrous form. Follow the clues, It's all a big ruise. Meant to confuse those that do not conform. More people dieing, but that's nothing new. Look the other way, 'till it happens to you. The Red Dragon warning has fallen on deaf ears. Until a pandemic's been reengineered. Life on earth has changed. The minds of the deranged. Now the War Pigs have control. The age of global slaves. Convincing genocidal minds, That murder is o.k. A symphony of destruction. The stage is set, Now watch the play. The President's lips move on the propaganda tube. Repeat the lie enough, and people think It's true. History repeats itself. Will we ever learn. Books are written by the victors. All the rest is burnt. The truth's been right in front of us, Connect the frickin' dots. Remote Frequency ID, Vaccines and Nanobots. Wake up to the truth, There's proof. Validity in my words. The hour's getting late, Our fate's in the hands of evil nerds. Zuckerberg and Soros, I'm calling you out for Treason. Crimes against The Constitution, And so many other reasons. Militarized Police State. Submit, or be condemned. Unwilling subordinate. It's F.E.M.A. camp for them. I've had my eyes on this Agenda of lies. I've followed the bread crumbs, and seen through the disguise. Decades of signs and prophecy, and now it might be to late. Heaven's Mercy has closed the door and left us to our fate. Written by: Michael Taylor © April 24th 2020


- 4 years ago  

Have you noticed that all these rich folks with walls and armed guards want no walls or guns for you. Gates is doing his best to look like a Billionaire who cares about you and I all the while only offering mouth service to look like he cares.


- 4 years ago  

He noticed that viruses in computers gave fear to the user for automatic tracking updates. Same thing...


- 4 years ago  

Every one of these so called "leaders" need to be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity, as declared in the Nuremburg Charter.


- 4 years ago  

Sick man