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January 1st 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

and it keeps happening !!!!!


- 2 years ago  

1:56 No ambiguity about the discharge from the fuselage. It may well be sucked up into the trailing vortices, but it sure as hell doesn't originate in the air.


- 2 years ago  

And This Was What The Demons did, to Cause A Plannedemic. Filled the Air with Toxic Chemicals. Lots of People in Govt. Bought Stock on Medical Supplies and Masks BEFORE They Initiated Transmission Of TOXIC POISONOUS and DANGEROUS CHEMICALS, Elderly and People with Cancer, COPD Etc, Being The Most Susceptible and The Ventilator's had dangerous substances in it. Test infected with Aides. Why So Many Died! And Then Just like that, Had a Poisonous Virus— Renamed The Flu Corona to CoVideo and JUST LIKE THAT, Drumpf puts Falchi at The Helm Drumpf along side Bill Hates Has The ANTIDOTE SHOT?! 😈😈😈 Each Vile filled With Life Changing, ALTERING V a XX and ea. contain, THOUSANDS Of Messenger RNA’S, Creating a Cytokine Storm filled with Nano Bot GOO and Snake Venom And All The Workers Of Inequity; News Correspondents, played Their Role to Instill Fear. And Social Media Illuminazi’s Were shutting down and Still are, anyone who Speaks up about the LIE 🐍🐍🐍Just so Sheeple will keep getting the Poison 💉💉💉☠️☠️☠️🧬🪓😈 ⚰️And Radiated by their phones, and Many things working as a Conduit for Radioactive Frequencies from 5G


- 2 years ago  

Detox everyday. Eat NAC and Zinc every morning before consuming anything else. Don't let the crap accumulate in your body.


- 3 years ago  

They are also spraying their families. Those who se themselves as our rulers are also being poisoned.


- 3 years ago  

Unbelievable the shit they belche in the air,people who dont see it are either blind..,blind..,or born blind. Everyday I walk my dogs and look up..,we will never bow down for the cv19 freakshow! Let the blind follow the swine on their black mirrors on the wall. Fuck the cabal..,WAR to THEM!!!! Chemtrail Cowboy - Song


- 3 years ago  

I see that everyday. Planes spraying and that spray lasts for a long time. Poisoning humans.


- 3 years ago  

We all know what kill Gates plans are. He wants to spray reflective particles into the atmosphere to lower Earths surface temperature and this as we have entered into a mini ice age. A question begging an answer is who is doing the spraying if it is occurring, why and why NONE of the people supposedly involved are coming forward with hard evidence as they will be affected the same as everyone else. I see a lot of film that could be anything, often natural chemical reactions being touted as 'proof'. I find it impossible to believe that not ONE credible person has come forth with irrefutable evidence.


- 2 years ago  

Watch the video dumb arse and you'll see them.

Zero Bubble

- 3 years ago  

Rev 11:18 And the nations were wroth, and thy wrath came, and the time of the dead to be judged, and the time to give their reward to thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, the small and the great; AND TO DESTROY THEM THAT DESTROY THE EARTH.


- 3 years ago  

It has been said that Trump stopped it. And we did have a more clear sky when he was president. I hope the Biden administration won't reverse this policy. Trump, come back! 👍


- 3 years ago  

search growin ice oldmanvollox


- 3 years ago  

search growin ice oldmanvollox


- 3 years ago  

search growin ice oldmanvollox


- 3 years ago  

search growin ice oldmanvollox


- 3 years ago  

search growin ice oldmanvollox


- 3 years ago  

search growin ice oldmanvollox


- 3 years ago  

search growin ice oldmanvollox


- 3 years ago  

I was outside enjoying the nice So. California weather and for the last couple days and I noticed there are a few jets flying in the skies, now you would think that was a good thing, transportation is starting back up and the criminal "California Governor Gavin Newsom" ( Nancy Pelosi's nephew) has finally starting to lift his totalitarian restrictions a bit. But it wasn't a good thing of course, the only a few jets in the skies do to the Scamdemic have restarting the so called stratospheric aerosol injections once again aka (Chemtrails) With only a few planes flying because, passenger flights are still not allowed to fly but they are allowing the jets to spraying poison on us. The Covid-19 lie went pretty much as planned so they might as well get back to the global warming lie. People in California are just now being told that their allowed go outside once again, but they won't be allowed to breath any fresh air.


- 3 years ago  

Not conspiracy but fact, the UK government sanctioned covert spraying of the population with 'harmless biological agents' during the 1960's to test disease spread and 'efficacy'. All hospitals in the chosen areas and local surgeries were required to report on particular symptoms. Rationale? Bio-warfare preparedness exercise! This only came to light after 40 years or so and if it hadn't been pressed for, the information probably would never have seen the light of day. So all you who scoff and ridicule the idea that our governments or powerful individuals would do anything to harm us and truly care about our wellbeing ... better think again. You, your body, mind and spirit are an asset of the state, theirs to control, exploit and do with as they please. All 'sovereign' states are controlled and overseen by the banksters who are the psychopathic bully boys of the ruling ancient bloodlines. There is nothing these 'people' will not do to preserve their power, there is no depth too low. So wake the fuck up. All history is lies. They've been at this for millenia and 'resets' have occurred many times. This is just the latest one and will involve billions of deaths of 'useless eaters' and total enslavement of the remainder. Not sometime in the future .... its happening right here, right now in front of your eyes which they are busily telling you not to believe. We are already in a vaccine bio-war and now the megalomaniac Gates also wants to block out the sun .... ffs! Wake up!!!!


- 4 years ago  

great view of standard fuel dump lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol


- 4 years ago  

Freaking idiots that create this kind of content. As a commercial pilot I can assure you that this is total crap!


- 3 years ago  

Are you saying that Stratospheric Aerosol Injections do to Geoengineering are not happening? The Director of the CIA John Brennan says this: Are you saying condensation trails (Water vapor, gas, changing into liquid) made at high altitude can spread out across the sky, last hours and hours be seen from horizon to horizon in all types of weather conditions? Or are you saying that jets are releasing the necessary particulates (Cloud seeding) and making clouds? Are you saying that people are "Freaking idiots" for being concerned about this with all the new information becoming available? If you are saying any one of those things, then as a pilot: 1) You're staying intentionally ignorant. 2) You're in on it or part of the cover-up. 3) You're just a fucking liar.


- 3 years ago  

Thanks for the input. I know people who go on about 'chemtrails' all thee time but the only time I see them is when cropdusting is taking place.


- 2 years ago  

After living through 2 years of controlled weather. An all encompassing cloud that comes along every second day after a clear day and then proceeds to piss down rain for a week or two. It's been like this for 2 years. And this was after we experienced the worst bushfires every in Australia. We experienced that because they were taking all the water out of the air and making it rain some where else. Farmers here were devastated by the droughts. And then after that the rain started and it hasn't stopped since. So here I am now telling you to go fuck yourself you lying cunt. People like you, we will be coming for you!


- 4 years ago  

This is stupid shit to believe in.


- 3 years ago


- 2 years ago  

IS IT ??? Look up fool !!!


- 4 years ago  

Και τοτε ενας λαγος σταθηκε αναμεσα στις συναμενες καμπανουλες,και ειπε την προσευχη του στο ουρανιο τοξο,ομως το οραμα της δικαιοσυνης ειναι θελημα του Θεου μοναχα,ο χρονος .ιλαει για τον χρονο,be paision

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 4 years ago  

Its those nano-bot Morgellons, that I hate the most.