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TIFFANY DOVER DEAD - Another Vaccine Casualty

  - 10:10






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December 27th 2020  

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Category: How To & Education



- half a year ago  

The CV-19 DREAM of their Fathers:... Initally, medically it was HATE of and for homosexual love of tight holes. AIDS resulted from a Hepatitis B vaccine for the fearful ones...propagated to recievers through unprotected sex...and any fluid vector...even kissing, fomites, etc. The receiver unknowingly propagates AIDS through well known human contact...kissing...alot like HERPES.... AIDS is a vaccine/post vaccine fluid vector induced saliva/blood immunity dis-itegrant.. (A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease) gene family encodes proteins with adhesion and proteolytic functions. ... ADAM proteins are associated with diseases like cancers. Twenty ADAM genes have been identified in humans. However, little is known about the evolution of the family. ...vaccines are protected from analysis!!!.... The Dream of unchecked vaccination/murder through normal human relations.... --science of vaccination


- half a year ago  

Protect "The Vaccine."'s everything!


- 2 years ago  

I make $100h while I'm traveling the world. Last week I worked by my laptop in Rome, Monti Carlo and finally Paris…This week I'm back in the USA. All I do are easy tasks from this one cool site. check it out,==>=>)


- 2 years ago  

Well, that certainly puts the nail in her coffin, that's for sure.


- 2 years ago  

Vaccine or no. You have already installed the high priest poison in your brain simply eating the animal products they made avalible for you last decade. Vaccines control the rate of onset, inorder to manage the rate of deaths each year this decade. Vaccine or no people will be dieing so fast that bodies will stack up six feet high along city streets after 2025 arrives.


- 2 years ago  

I only eat Vegan animals, therefore I'm Vegan.


- 2 years ago  

This family of ruleing priest have used desease to destroy civilizations of non compliant people many times past then used time delayed reactive hydrogen ground bombs to destroy the destruction of life and burn it all to ashes many times past. It's time for a new way your current system of belief won't allow again. Last decade they infected all liveing animal products with advanced madcow desease called wildlife wasting DESEASE knowing all whom consumed it by 2021 would die around 2030. Inorder to prevent 8 billion people dieing and stinking up the planet all of a sudden. They are encouraging a MANAGABLE death rate USEING biological stressers that excelerates the onset of fatal bovine CNS encephalitis. were it has located in your brain determines if it stops your heart or shuts down your breathing rythm and dfowns you. Regardless, most people will be in a state of total delerium by the time it kills them.


- 2 years ago  

Another useless babbaling POS.The foods they provided for you the last decade filled your brain with TSE CHRONIC WASTING DESEASE. IT WILL KILL YOU BEFORE 2030 ARRIVES. TO BE SURE PEOPLE DO NOT DIE ALL IN THE SAME TIME FRAME, THEY ARE ENCOURAGING A Manageable RATE OF DEATHS.


- 3 years ago  

Fantastic work-from-home opportunity for everyone…Work for three to eight hours a day and start getting paid in the range of 13,000 to 19,000 dollars a month…Weekly payments…And best thing is...It’s so Easy…follow details on this


- 3 years ago  

No More Masks Anywhere, No More Social Distancing, No More Fines for Covid Measures, People can Stop Working from Home and Go Back to their Workplace, No Shop can Refuse People Not Wearing a Mask, No more mask on Buses and so on. U.K. Government January 19, 2022 - Boris Johnson: No more masks and back to the office as Plan B restrictions removed and more. If the U.K. can stop these Covid measure so can every other country. This event by the U.K. government is a result of a Case Filed with the International Criminal Court and Police Investigations into Covid Crimes started by several police stations in England. Rise up as One People and Demand the Government follow what the U.K. has done!!! This was a Dilettante Presumption Theorem: All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed do not necessarily reflect official positions or views or any other entity, past or present. Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting or implying endorsement of interpretations and factual statements.


- 3 years ago  

I find it amazing that to get a Death Row murdering inmate to get the Jab, they have to exhaust the courts first, and yet, ding dongs are lining up for free !

Asleeple Sheeple

- 4 years ago  

There dropping like flies worldwide but it’s not being exposed on tv


- 4 years ago  

There is two videos about Tiffany still left. done by- Joe Leonard- on You Tube. You tube eventually had a communication with him and he dropped any further output on her


- 4 years ago  

Interesting now that you can’t search her up on Searchquarry. Seems now that search has been blocked. What does this tell us?


- 4 years ago  

its very simple.TIFFANY DOVER used to publish videos on her twitter. there is no video of her anywhere on the net of her after the vaccine.anybody would just publish a vid saying i am fine after the vaccine,but nothing.


- 4 years ago  

there is no video with TIFFANY DOVER after the vaccine anywhere on the net.fact check that!


- 4 years ago  

wot happened here.... surly someone knows something of what happened to this woman? Or living in Australia did we get excluded on the outcome? As for the excuse for the fainting... Needles? how would she become a nurse?


- 4 years ago  

joe leanord,sp? has a you tube vid on it


- 4 years ago  

wot happened here.... surly someone knows something of what happened to this woman? Or living in Australia did we get excluded on the outcome?


- 3 years ago  

coverd up and hushed by fizer and meedia


- 4 years ago  

She had two children, did she faint ? That article was written by someone else not by her. She's dead as a door nail.


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

She's gone and totally forgotten by the media. It is NOT a vaccine. They have not isolated the virus no matter all those cute animations and that ball Bill Gates likes to throw around.


- 4 years ago  

I am heartbroken. So tragic.


- 4 years ago  

I'm an automotive repair tech. I faint if I get oily dirt on my hands. No problem for me doing my job with this condition. :)


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

A male medical technician in Santa Ana, CA. also died in January 2121 two days after getting the Pfizer vaccine.


- 4 years ago  

I mentioned to a gal at the bank to look up T. Dover and explained to her briefly what happened. the gal at the bank said "I don't waste my time looking up conspiracy theories. The gal at the bank is an avid mask wearer doing her part to stop the pandemic of course. I suppose I needed to be wearing a white smock and be on TV in order for her to believe me


- 4 years ago  

"just a coincidence, right?" Lolololololol 🤦. Brilliant!! They absolutely are reading from the same script.

Euphoric Wizard

- 4 years ago  

So wardo-rants is banned on Bitchute? Looks like there were interesting videos, is there an alternative sight?


- 4 years ago  

I tried doing the same search in Query and nothing came up at all. Has this happened to anyone else?


- 4 years ago  

Yip I tried and it failed but tried Peter dover and that bought up heaps of results. I would say they have been instructed to block a search on her name as it provides evidence of her death. Sad that she died and just as sad that they are trying to hide the fact so that more will fall victim.


- 4 years ago  

God will give us Justice


- 4 years ago  

If she isn't dead, I would like to know where she is. The vaccine is just one more violation, one more pretense, one more deception by these evil people to spark violence. It will eventually come to that. I wouldn't be surprised if they start firing on us.


- 4 years ago  

She’s not dead?


- 4 years ago  

Yes she is. Her family account on shows her under maiden name “Tiffany Pontes”. Husband listed as Dustin Dover. Lived in Alabama. Shows she died in 2020.


- 4 years ago  

THey're covering this up!


- 4 years ago  

Search Quarry doesn't return the search anymore. Anyone know why?


- 4 years ago  

Yeah, because Pfizer is trying to cover it up. I'm sure they either threatened Search Quarry or paid them off to remove it from their site. I looked it up a few weeks ago & it was there, he's telling the truth. I just tried again right now & it says, "WHoops! Our searched occasionally time out, here are some reasons why:" and then lists a bunch of BS about why we can't find her.... liars!


- 4 years ago  

I suspect this video was posted by a Leftist wanting to make Conservatives look like idiots. Unfortunately there seems to be a few who as "wise as a dove and as harmless as a serpent". Just the opposite of what they should be.


- 4 years ago  

Why would this make conservatives look like idiots. On the contrary, conservatives are the smart ones who don't trust big pharma...liberals are the sheep!


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

Get $192 of an hour from Google!... Yes this is Authentic as I just got my first payout and was really awesome because it was the biggest number of $24413 in a week. It seems Appears Unbelievable but you won't forgive yourself if you do not check it.........


- 4 years ago  

I wonder if they will compile the vaccine death toll using this formula... X deaths for any reason within 28 days after being given the vaccine..... Somehow, I doubt it


- 4 years ago  

How many more people have died from this vaccine that we don’t know about? We are slowly starting to see some info trickle out about nursing home deaths but I’m sure that’s just the tip of the iceberg..


- 4 years ago  

watched close for a week or two. then it disappeared . I assume that she is not among the living . No one has proven otherwise .It was never covered on TV only a little on YT and Bitchute

Rob Blackburn

- 4 years ago  

Many people cannot tolerate the ingredients in vaccines. If you have had a severe reaction before to a flu or pneumonia shot don't take this one. There may be other consequences but at least your alive.

Stephen Nixey

- 4 years ago  

She is alive and well still working at the hospital


- 4 years ago  

No, she isn't.


- 4 years ago  

The pharmaceutical cabal won’t be able to cover up all the deaths as they’ll likely be millions but I’m sure Bill Gates will be happy with one less human on his overpopulated planet. He acts like he owns the planet and this agenda is all about depopulation.


- 4 years ago  

is she dead though? Reuters is saying she's alive. Why can't I get conclusive information on this?


- 4 years ago  

so where is her family then? One would think someone from her family would be screaming at the media or making a big deal out of the fact that their loved one was dead


- 4 years ago I’d follow this guys advice.

Interesting things

- 4 years ago  

Well she is not dead. Dick head


- 4 years ago  

I hope you're correct, but has she appeared (alive) anywhere since? It would be easy enough for her to put an end of all this by giving a quick interview.


- 3 years ago  

She was according to Dekalb county's records. She died that day, like 8 hours later. I saw those records with my own eyes.


- 4 years ago  

So she passes out when she stubs her toe?


- 4 years ago  

Lol! Dude, can you imagine? Going through life like that? 🤣😂😭


- 4 years ago  

Lol I'd passing out all the time. I do lots of yard work and gardening. Also work in a factory where I stand for 12 hours a day. I get cut stuck bruised bashed my head and more. I've stepped on sharp objects. I'd be laying in the yard frying in the


- 4 years ago  

I have vasovagal syncope. It can hit you at any time.


- 4 years ago  

Search her name, it appears this is fake news.


- 3 years ago  

I saw the death report myself. It has since been removed, but it was there in the beginning. She died that day. The time of death was a few hours after the video of her passing out.


- 4 years ago  

She died shortly after taking the vaccine. Confirmed. 100% true.


- 4 years ago  

So sad...poor family...


- 4 years ago  

I heard Tiffany is not dead. Can anyone confirm this?


- 3 years ago  

I can't confirm it or not. All I can do is tell you that I checked out the county records shortly after the incident occurred. They listed her as dead, having died that day. That record has since been deleted, but it was there originally. I saw it with my own eyes.


- 4 years ago  

i tried the same search on and got database search errors over and over, but a simular search on john doe immidiatly gave a list!!


- 4 years ago  

I did the same, and it comes up as "Whoops! Our searches occasionally time out". Very strange.


- 4 years ago  

Same here, I could search for any other name, but searching for Tiffany Dover always give a message about timeout, even when restricting to Higdon, Alabama.


- 4 years ago  

I located a Tiffany Dover who died. She lived in Cabot, AR. Not the nurse. People confusing the Dovers?


- 3 years ago  

I did a search on Dekalb county's website right after the incident. She was list as having died that day, a few hours later. It's since been changed, but it was there for a few months after the incident.


- 4 years ago  

JB Gunner did a search and found a death certificate for her. Also, if she had the condition claimed, then she could not be a nurse, because all those things that would cause her to faint are part of a nurses daily routine. Also, a health care worker in Portugal, 41 yrs old, mother, and in perfect health, was vaccinated on Dec.30th and a few days later, dropped dead with no warning. Time to wake up. Vaccines do not work on coronaviruses because they are also known as "common cold/flu viruses". And since we can't make a permanent effective vaccine for the cold or flu, then we will never make one for the CV. Would someone on this planet, please read a biochemistry book or talk to a virologist that doesn't work for the government please?


- 4 years ago  

Why do we need a vaccine for a virus that 99,88 % of people make a full recovery from?


- 4 years ago  

Agreed, she couldn't be a nurse and have that condition.

PJ Patriot

- 4 years ago  

do you have further proof of this?


- 4 years ago  

For a good overview of this subject, watch the Spacebusters YT video. Biochemistry debunks corona, or read Zodiac and the salts of salvation by George W. Carey


- 4 years ago  

Lots of people with same name -- can't go by a simple search.


- 4 years ago  

You can't, However the fact that she has disappeared off her social media despite many followers aking for a sign of life and didn't even respond to questions from Reuters tells the story.


- 4 years ago  

Lots of people with same name yes, but with correct age, city, state and relatives. A more detailed result can be found on ancestry dot com.


- 4 years ago  

Syncope - pronounced "sin-co-pee"


- 4 years ago  

Hi there, I tried a search on SearchQuarry and nothing came up. To verify your claims, you would need to prove that her family members have spoken up, or that there is evidence of an investigation into her death.


- 4 years ago  

See Dr. James Lyons Weiller At a press conference on YouTube and you’ll find out how dangerous This vaccine is ! Dolores Cahill a Professor from Ireland said the same thing and she would consider it murder if they tried to give her the vaccine


- 4 years ago  

ty for this much appreciated


- 4 years ago  

FAKE NEWS - show us the death certificate please before announcing someone had DIED without proof - thats disgusting


- 4 years ago  

So very sad. Heartbreaking. She had her whole life ahead of her.


- 4 years ago  

One person dying from this damn vaccine is way too much! Why the hell is anyone taking a vaccine for a disease with a 99.8% survival rate? That's pure insanity and pure evil by the scum putting this crap out! Also I'm not happy at all with Trump either for pushing this damn vaccine!


- 4 years ago  

Amen to that! These people are guinea pigs. There haven't even been animal trials on this!


- 4 years ago  

Why are you posting this bullshit? There is no evidence she has died.


- 4 years ago  

No evidence she’s alive

PJ Patriot

- 4 years ago  

in all sincerity do you have proof that she is alive? i cant find any short of driving to her home town. or the hospital she worked at? but if you do please post it and that way we can publish this guy and his face and all related to him as fraud peddlers. i want to be able to expose the fraud as well as you. but when censorship is at a fevered pitch on social media it affect to a great degree all truth.


- 3 years ago  

She was listed as dead, having died on that day, in the Dekalb county records website. I saw it with my own eyes. Her death has since been removed, but it was there for several months after her death.


- 4 years ago  

Thanks for showing the date on the death certificate... oh wait.. you never showed the date just that someone named Tiffany Dover age 30 died who had a relative named Micheal Dover... You need to show the date otherwise it is kinda pointless... If you check she is alive.. So maybe next time only research things if you are intelligent as any intelligent person would have known that the information is only relevant if you can provide a date with the death record.. lol


- 4 years ago  

USAToday is not a reliable source. It accepts money from the CCP and is fake news. Try to do better next time.


- 4 years ago  

USA today eh?? Some joke. Next you will be quoting CNN as a reliable news source.


- 4 years ago  

I hope you're correct, but has she appeared (alive) anywhere since? It would be easy enough for her to put an end of all this by giving a quick interview.


- 4 years ago  

Has anyone tried sending her a get well soon card?


- 4 years ago  

Lolololololol 🤦


- 4 years ago  

WOW bet she drowned & died of the Virus ?


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for sharing!

The last four years have made me extremely suspicious of anything that comes at me through speakers and a screen.


- 4 years ago  

Great research. Thank you so much for sharing and trying to wake the zombies from their trance. Very sad.


- 4 years ago  

If I ever bump with a person that created the video; I will give him your kind regards. The link in the description is where I found the video; my focus is information sharing; I care for nothing else and to me the original creator is unknown.


- 4 years ago  

how do you add to favorites?


- 4 years ago  

PLEASE download and save this video!!! Before YOUTUBE TAKES IT DOWN!!!! A MUST see BELOW!!!!😬

The Traveller

- 4 years ago  

This is not YouTube...

Godzilla Burger

- 4 years ago  

This isn't YouTube, you fucking moron...


- 4 years ago  

Nurse Tiffany Pontes Dover found on Ancestry dot com! Confirmed, she is dead!


- 4 years ago  

Search results are GONE! This video is a keeper. Thanks. Sanity4Sweden brought me here.

Barls Charkley

- 4 years ago  

They made the mistake of giving her the real vaccine, and not a placebo, during a live video. Doubt they'll make that mistake a 2nd time.


- 4 years ago  

Yep ive noticed Bitchute has been going south. No surprise, Bitcoin is CIA owned...


- 4 years ago  

I have tried several times to use the query to find Tiffany Dover, the search times out. Strange. I enter my own name without any search criteria and I get a full page of information. They, who they are? scrubbed the search results.


- 4 years ago  

Same here. It timed out for me. They are really covering up this nurses death big time.


- 4 years ago  

It would be very easy to debunk the death story. All they have to do is hold an interview with her . Shouldn't be too hard, If she's alive.


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Yes where the fuck is she


- 4 years ago  

Sad, not good. Your Autoimmune system will kill you, that's a fact. It's like "Shock", and many patients die from it too. I met a Marine, doing good. He stepped on a Mine in Vietnam and blew his leg off, slinging it over his shoulder. Medic saved his life but he remembers it all because he didn't go into shock, which would've killed him.


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

Hey sir, I searched my own name on that website under the category of 'deaths', and my name came up as well (i.e., as 'dead'). It seems every person of the name you enter will be listed, dead or not.


- 4 years ago  

Does it also give your county and family members? Then you just have a common name. Man you people are stupid.


- 4 years ago  

How many Peter Richards do you think is in this world num nuts?

Believe it

- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

u'll kill urself soon or else :D))

urgent news now

- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

I hope se is alive.


- 4 years ago  

If she's still alive why doesn't she just come out and prove it. I wish she would.


- 4 years ago  

Be careful. Be very careful. We are living in the times of where mind games are the order of the day. The thing to take away is that there are grave dangers surrounding this so called vaccine, and not for any of the reasons mentioned here. Look up mRNA2 and what it actually does. This is where the real danger to all of humanity and other life forms on this planet lie. Even the sick evil old Prince Charles says he will not accept this thing, and the reasons he gives are perfectly valid.


- 4 years ago  

sorry folks she has not updated her facebook page since Dec 12 and she is in the death records of alabama


- 4 years ago  

The Tiffany Dover who got the shot is in Chattanooga TN, which this guy skipped past.


- 4 years ago  

Look up the town in Alabama. It's not that far a commute to Chattanooga


- 4 years ago  

She lived in North East Alabama. From her town to Chattanooga is about a half hour commute. Took me all of 30 seconds to find that out.


- 4 years ago  

she does not seem to be too dead watch video nurse not quite dead


- 4 years ago  

old video man


- 4 years ago  

she does not seem to be too dead watch video nurse not quite dead


- 4 years ago  

old man

UK Mike

- 4 years ago  

This is fake news and should be removed, shame on you.


- 4 years ago  

no news from her facebook page nothing new since Dec 12 Iam afraid she dead as the record states

Believe it

- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

Shes fine Now, she's become a new Democratic party Voter! 😉 vote early and vote often even if you're dead.


- 4 years ago  

She's dead?


- 4 years ago  

They will ignore it.

This is purposeful misinformation to make people who question the vaccine look stupid. Google it..


- 4 years ago  

I called the DeKalb County Coroner, they said no Tiffany Dover. he even asked another guy in the room , they said NO Tiffany Dover

Believe it

- 4 years ago  

its DeKalb


- 4 years ago  

Dustin is her husbands name, Dustin Dover. Seen her death registered under Tiffany pontes.


- 4 years ago  

I deal with vasovagal Syncope frequently in my office. Well the reaction can be delayed from the stimulus, 17 minutes is quite a stretch. More likely she experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure caused by the onset of an allergic reaction which we already know is not uncommon with these vaccines. Pre-medicating with an anti-histamine might be a good strategy. It won’t stop the reaction but it will mitigate some of the worst aspects of it. Hopefully the poor nurse is doing fine However anaphylaxis can take you in an instant regardless of your age.


- 4 years ago  

liar she is dead


- 4 years ago  

I have to deal with post injection Vasovagal syncope in my office frequently. While it can be delayed from insult but not 17 minutes later. More likely she experienced a rapid drop in blood pressure due to the onset of acute allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock.


- 4 years ago  

as far as I know, people put their own name on the page and were shown as "dead". not sure with this page


- 4 years ago  

So you have tried it and found a death record for someone who has the same middle name, the same age, same relatives?

Reality and Truth

- 4 years ago  

Isn't this curious, I did a search for Tiffany at the same site you did, and this is what I kept getting; Whoops! Our Searches Occasionally Time Out, Here are Some Reasons Why I tried several times and received the same result. Interesting don't you think?

Believe it

- 4 years ago  

heres a internet archive from dec 20th


- 4 years ago  

Seems like a giant red flag, that now that this search has been shared multiple places, you run it now and it comes back with "oops...." Message about server being busy, etc. Funny enough other names work, just not hers.


- 4 years ago  

You can't even get her birth records. Try I tried Tiffany Pontes and Tiffany Dover .... nothing, no birth records. Hmmmm ....


- 4 years ago  

Stop posting bullshit. Fact check yourself.


- 4 years ago  

Stop posting bullshit. Fact check yourself.


- 4 years ago  

Media claiming this is false


- 4 years ago  

media are liars like you.


- 4 years ago  

If you believe the media, why are you here? Collecting your $0.50?