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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 166 - Real Singularity!

  - 38:11

In this shorter video i felt it necessary to warn all of you about another development that has just come to light in the Fox News MSM. While the whole world has been distracted by the ongoing FAKE Virus and Pandemic the Jesuits were preparing to launch another offensive called Climate Change Lockdown. Everyone was so consumed by the virus and vaccine event they forgot the FAKE “Climate Change” narrative that the Jesuits had been whipping everyone with for the last 20 years. Remember the endless chastisements by the UN of the common man for killing the Flat Earth plane with his excesses and wasteful living. In fact if there were any wicked excesses then they were being committed by Jesuit controlled “International Corporations” who pillaged and polluted the Earth with impunity. The propaganda campaign for sustainability and Green lifestyles bombarded people worldwide for decades. Saving “Mother Nature” became the mantra voiced “ad nauseam” in the MSM everywhere. Now as the numbers of dumbed down vaccine candidates willing to sell their eternal souls for a Krispy Kreme donut slows down the Jesuits are pulling out the stick and threatening to Lock everyone down under the pretext of “Climate Change” in order to apply more pressure to those recalcitrant vaccine recipients. The Jesuits know that more misery and suffering will cause many people with no Faith in God at all to eventually capitulate to the Mark Of The Beast INJECTION. It was a mistake to even think that maybe the Climate Change chestnut would eventually go away! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Medical Freedom Alliance - Compilation Of Doctor’s Warnings “Tucker: Brace yourselves, climate lockdowns are coming” Fox News You Tube Channel - Jun 22, 2021






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June 25th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. I knew about the graphene and ferrous oxide and it too is becoming wide spread news on the internet as well. Good points thou and a good discerning spirit.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Sorry for the late response! Interesting that 1 isolated report from a Roman Catholic Spanish University analysing the vaccine has suddenly popped up and virtually "denies" an active mRNA content in the solution. 99.998% graphene? Really? I do not believe this report. It appears to be a Jesuit narrative. "Why," is the question! We will have to wait to find out IF there's time and a "free" internet still exists after Cyber Polygon tomorrow!


- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. Okay I understand what Jeff Green is saying and that is correct indeed but also the biometric implant does not only cause toxicosis but also it changes human DNA and this is the main problem causing eternal separation from the Lord Jesus. Part of this DNA change is allegedly the constant production of spike proteins in all organs and brain.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi David You are right about the DNA changes separating people from God. We'll have to agree to disagree about "spike" proteins and shedding. This is now a Jesuit MSM narrative and so is a controlled narrative. That's why i don't believe it. If it was "True" then any mention of it would be censured or blocked on the internet. This is how you can tell truth from fiction on social media. It is the progressive invasion of the body by graphene hydrogel and magnetized ferrous oxide that is provoking the immune system in a relentless battle that it cannot win at the cellular level. The "Transformation" of Biological cell to Bio-Synthetic cell by these nano technologies IS the stress and shock ITSELF causing ILLNESS and DEATH. "Spike" keeps the Virus myth alive which is what the Jesuits want and need!


- 3 years ago  

When you say Jesuits you mean the Jews, right? Cuz the Jews are the ones behind white hate & all the other downfalls of the world

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

No the Jews aren't behind anything except as "front men" for the Jesuits. They are a FACADE behind which the REAL world power HIDES in plain sight. The Vatican rules ALL national governments through its United Nations NWO Government. There is only 1 power in the world and it is the Roman Catholic Cult. The Jews are put in "prominent" positions because they are willing to work for the Pope for position, status and wealth. They are just MANAGERS of the Pope's possessions. It is the Luciferian Jesuits who have schemed and infiltrated their way into world power over the last 500 years by controlling FREEMASONRY. There are now 178 videos in this educational "series" of videos explaining how the Jesuits took control of ALL the nations. I would suggest you go back and start at Video No. 1 and learn about the only true enemy of mankind. You will discover the Fake "Jews" are just puppets helping ROME DECEIVE the peoples of the world.


- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. What scientists and virologists are reporting is that the vaccine turns the DNA into a spike protein factory. So the spike proteins are one of the results of the vaxx.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi David Virology is a science based on "false" premises. All "scientists" work for Jesuit controlled "Big Pharma" in different capacities. Don't believe them. This "spike" protein narrative is all over the internet and is false. This is how the Jesuits keep the "virus" myth alive. There is NO virus involved with what is happening. The reason people are suffering is because ""they" are seeking to change the creation of macrophages by altering gene expression; their purpose in part is to mediate the inflammation response of the immune system. This means by altering the response of macrophages they can be made to produce fewer cytokines, therefore, the body cannot properly detoxify and will lead to eventual toxicosis in injectees." This is an extract from a document by Jeff Green explaining this phenomenon. Personal response is varied due to physiology and "time." Inevitably most will succumb to the effect and die. Rule of thumb: if the story is being propagated in the media then it is a Jesuit "plant." Be very wary of "memes." Spike proteins and shedding are Jesuit "memes." I hope all is well. God bless you!