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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 230 - Complacency!

  - 1:31:49

I have been doing my best to RESIST COMPLACENCY during this very dangerous time! I hope you have too! That’s what the message in this video is all about! COMPLACENCY! We have all experienced complacency at different times in different ways towards different things. SPIRITUAL COMPLACENCY is the worst! It creeps up on us when we let our guard down and fail to pay attention. This can result in attacks from the enemy and from succumbing to TEMPTATION, which i spoke about in the last video. Jesus and the apostles warned us about COMPLACENCY. In Luke 21:34 Jesus warned, “But WATCH yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap.” Then a few verses later in Luke 21:36 Jesus states again, “But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” You see, COMPLACENCY results from CEASING to be VIGILANT and FALLING ASLEEP spiritually! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Eight Pages - 230 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series






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May 31st 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Dear Mr William, I remember watching one of the best jesuit researchers ive ever come across about twenty years ago. he was American with a dutch name......Mr Van something if memory serves. the guy in question was probably in his early 40's then and of medium build with fair hair. Any idea of his name?


- 2 years ago  

Dear Mr William, I remember watching one of the best jesuit researchers ive ever come across about twenty years ago. he was American with a dutch name......Mr Van something if memory serves. the guy in question was probably in his early 40's then and of medium build with fair hair. Any idea of his name?


- 2 years ago  

Hi. Seems the vaccinated really are emitting electromagnetic radiation and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ( signals with unique MAC addresses. What a NIGHTMARE this is becoming. People are oblivious. They don't understand the implications. BLE Tested using the following apps on the Google Play Store : Praying for your ministry, Brother William. Let us pray that many who have yet not vaccinated come to the full realization of the Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ and eternal salvation in Him, and do not succumb to this this satanic Mark of the Beast scam! God bless you and all your Christian viewers.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Orinoco Great to hear from you and thank you for sharing. I'm still waiting to speak with a Christian brother in the USA. There have been many assaults against him and his wife over these last 2 weeks. As soon as i can ok everything i will contact you if you are still able and desire to distribute DIF warning tracts in Sth. Africa while there is time. Satan is trying to hinder this work and i am being suppressed heavily online. Thank you for your prayers. So great! I'm praying also for you! I'll speak to you soon! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Dear Mr William, Thank you for your new video. If only we could all, each one individually, laugh at WHO lies - WHO would vanish with the rest of them... Well, we will have to be very strong in faith - but we have been knowing it for more than two years to prepare ourselves. God bless you !


- 2 years ago  

Yes I have noticed they (being the Vatican) very rarely come out in the open but use agents or third parties and wrap them up in some disguise so no one can say the pope is doing that but the reformers and ancient Christians knew who the Anti Christ was for 1800 years. It is why we are all so dumped down, on fluoride and sprayed like insects all day and night. They want us unaware and weak. Today they sprayed my city in squiggly lines to mock everyone below but that was my imagination. (inside joke)

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna Thank you for commenting! I agree somewhat! Sadly, it's all too late for sentimentality. This world system is now 100% hostile to those who love Jesus Christ and obey his Word. It's all downhill from here until Jesus returns. That's not too far away. Hold on to the Lord and he will keep you! He promised and he is faithful! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

only a 'pivot'. stay razor sharp

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Thank you for sharing! The W.H.O. already has total control over world "Health" and has had for decades. Why do you think governments can demand every parent vaccinate their children dozens of times before they go to school or else. That's W.H.O. power! As i explained in my video this is a Jesuit distraction to keep people believing that they are still "sovereign" or free. No one KNOWING the truth about the Beast UN One World Order that currently rules the world can even take this seriously. ALL nations surrendered their national sovereignty decades ago to Rome. ALL elections are FAKE. ALL world leaders are PRE-SELECTED by the Vatican through Masonic organizations. Don't believe ANYTHING you read pushing these ideas of freedom. NO ONE today is FREE. It's all a CHARADE! This is POLITICAL DISINFORMATION! The vast majority of mankind has already been INJECTED with the Mark Of The Beast CV19 Bio-Weapon. Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled as we watch. I advise that you go back and watch the first 25 videos in this series. You will learn that NO ONE is FREE today! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Tedros is a Bill Gates terrorist servant. Gates in turn is a Romish lap dog.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Great to hear from you! Bill Gates has "Zero" power. He is just a "front" - a distraction like all the others! Both Tedros and Gates are answerable to the same Jesuit masters. ALL politicians, diplomats, billionaires and people of influence do as the Vatican tells them or else. God bless you!