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1865 Railway Advertisement for touring the Country

Map from 1865 with price list for tourism, plus note all the rail track already completed. Well,, in this reality it was where we now have all black chickens to include the eggs too, and a changing Thinker Statue to name just two oddities? I think this is where I dnload the map a few years back. >>>---Intel below-------> Usurping infiltrators in government hate Him ! They should fear Him, They the 300 wanna be gods and all the other Christ haters. What they use against us is this "Deuteronomy 28". If the people, us, the slaves, figure this out, the upside down world would then be right side up again. O if my brothers and sisters understood this bargain God gave us. I'm needing a little grace for calling this law of "Deut.28" a bargain, but when Men of God realize this simple truth and act upon it,, then the battle is the Lords That is what young David knew as he charged the giant. "The battle is the Lords" Never forget 2nd Chronicles 7:14, and never forget the book Acts, especially chapter 2 verse 38. Sadly so many are under strong delusion. That is why I give these links & info., below. Gotta go earn my keep.. God's name given Acts 4:12 and 1st John explains plenty, like who the Antichrist is, the Apostles knew, and if you check, so will you. He who believes the Gospel and is immersed fully under water calling upon His name humbled in repentance shall be saved ! see Mark 16:16 o==={»»»»»»Jesus»»»»»»»»»»»» Scriptures for America Get baptized Acts 2:38 -|- Mark 16:16 + 2nd Chronicles 7:14 and understand--->Deuteronomy 28-> the curses! SFAWBN Updates-News- o==={»»»»»»»It»matters»»»»»»»»»» Jews deny Christ, understand? Christian means His -->Jesus Christ Judeo<->Oxymoron<->Christian link below explains fully. o==={»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» No King but Jesus | Seriously don't vote for deceivers, liars






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