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Dragon Slayer Intel



A Glitch In The Matrix 3

  - 15:49

This is a strange video and may have deception mixed along with real oddities? What I know is that for certain, we are in the end times, and the MandelaEffect is the Devils doing. o==|>>>INTEL>>>>>>> Ohio has a constitutional amendment coming up for a vote that removes all restrictions on abortion and makes it legal to have an abortion at any stage of pregnancy. o==|-----do--tell---------- Quite a schism in the denominations 7,134 churches have broken away Sodomite devils.. o==|----intel--------------- McDonalds Chicken McNuggets revealed under the microscope I have not ate any food from any fast food, place for years.. Uck, and deadly. Now that you know more about the jews, i remind you that they claim to have put the bodies in the grinder at McD's.. The meat is people and crap of all kinds, the more abominable the more they did & do it. o==={»»»»»»Jesus»»»»»»»»»»»» ROMANS 16:20 And before long, God the giver of peace will crush Satan under YOUR feet. Scriptures for America Get baptized Acts 2:38 -|- Mark 16:16 + 2nd Chronicles 7:14 - Deuteronomy 28 ->the curses! It starting to right side up, look up & help. SFAWBN Updates-News- Beware --> JudeoChristian <--> An Oxymoron ---> Biblical Analysis Of The Mandela Effect






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Uploaded a year ago  

October 22nd 2023  

File Size: 66 MB

Category: NewTube Related



- a year ago  

EVIL IS GOOD: The Islamic faith: The religion of peace!?? Allah the best of deceivers: Sura 3:54, 8:30. We From The Quran: 1. You can rape, marry, and divorce pre-pubescent girls; Quran 65:4 2. You can enslave for sex and work; Quran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30 3. You can beat sex slaves, work slaves and wives; Quran 4:34 4. You will need 4 muslim male witness to prove rape; Quaran 24:4 5. Kill jews and christians if they do not convert or pay Jizya Tax; Quran 9:29 6. Crucify and amputate non-muslims; Quran 8:12, 47:4 7. You will kill non-muslims to receive 72 virgins in heaven; Quran 9:111 8. You will kill anyone who leaves islam; Quran 2:217, 4:89 9. You will behead non-muslims; Quran 8:12, 47:4 10. You will kill and be killed for Allah;(verse of the sword] Quran 9:5 11. You will terrorize non-muslims; Quran 8:12, 8:60 12. Steal from non-muslims; Quran ..All of chapter 8 (booty and spoils of war) --Islamic scholars say no one can produce a book as beatiful as the Quran! " Allah made booty lawful and good. He used it to incite the Muslims to unity of purpose, so enjoy what you have captured" --Ibn Ishaq (327) Prayer is annulled by a passing woman, a dog and a monkey; Aisha complained that Mohammad had made women dogs...--Sahih Bukhari 1.9.490, 493,498. Mohammad owned black slaves and called them "raisin heads". --Bukhari Vol.9 No. 256 Clearly not a religion but an aggressively viscious social order on a grand scale of myopia, a violent and dangerous ideology masquarding as a religion which destroys every and anything not in complete compliance. ... Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire. Einstein January 3rd 1954 writing to Philosopher Erik Gutkind. "The word God is is for me nothing more than the expression of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends, which are nevertheless pretty childish,. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish Superstition."

Dragon Slayer Intel

- a year ago  

I just find these kind of video's fascinating sometimes. But what I know to be so, is all over every page i upload... at the bottom mostly.. Philippians 4:13

Dragon Slayer Intel

- a year ago  

Turn to Jesus Christ the God of all creation, while you still can !


- a year ago  

Lol you're not going to receive the wholesome love by which you will live the everlasting life except through Me the Spirit, your heavenly Father Allaha the Almighty Creator of the heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs 🌻🌞 beautiful sentiment that you are expressing except for the only name that I have given to humanity by which you receive the Covenant of Life is Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Only Eashoa Saves. Sell all that you have and give to the poor, washing your robes in the blood of the Lamb is the only path to becoming My lambs. You are under fierce opposition by the edomites. Their garments have been turned edom from the judgement meaning to blood, for the blood of the prophets and the saints that they have spilled; they are AntiChrists and antihumans hell bent on your destruction and they are body snatchers that have been taking over the temple of Allaha which is YOU whether you realize it or not. They are predators and parasites which subsit on the flesh blood and adrenochrome of humanity, killers of mankind which masquerade as angels of light, they are not. You are to manifest the Power of Me the Spirit while I make your enemies the rug under My feet 💖🤗💐💗 You must become triune like Us to receive the Kingdom of Heaven. You are not allowed to serve two masters. If you are not in submission to Me the Father, you are being killed by the evil one and his angels and you will not be happy with the end result because they enslave you for eternity just like the millions of slaves that they are holding hostage now. Amen.


- a year ago  

It's part of the matrix.

Dragon Slayer Intel

- a year ago  

Sarah, have you read ACTS 4:12 ? thank you for your concern.