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Dragon Slayer Intel



A Lion and a lamb - bible change info.

Don't get me wrong, I know God's word as it was, is perfect and true. I know also that people have kinda turned Bibles into idols. They are man made books, and the scripture was sealed, but sealed no longer. You can look into that on your own, i already did. In Daniel & Revelations.. Soon I suspect all will understand Amos 8 much better. IF you read it now that is, because it could all be gone or changed. Huge changes began around 2013'ish through 2019 and continue with , flip/flops and Massive Geography changes & the spelling, body changes. New creatures and phenomena's like water trees, all black chickens that lay all black eggs. So if you want to have the knowledge as it is now, then go read Old testament book of Amos chapter 8. There are many mandela effected Bible verses...1000s more not listed here. The faithful will be even stronger in faith, and closer to our Father on high. BECAUSE THIS PROVES SUPERNATURAL POWER is being USED RIGHT NOW!! THE END OF DAYS IS CALLED AN APOCALYPSE for a reason and it is written that there has never been a time like it and its so bad it will only be this one time. CALLED THE END, the end of time and the very last day. As it is written John's video will explain more, link below. - - - - - The most unusual Bible Quiz ever! From the KJV... C H A N G E S that i know of as of 01-03-22 in beast system time. Actual date is more like 999 sadly they added a thousand in one switch, and i figured from other smarter than me old God fearing men, i understand around 22 years were added to make history fit their tales and stories.. list to follow..






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

January 3rd 2022  

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Dragon Slayer Intel

- 3 years ago  

=== New Testament == Matthew 21:1 Colt and an Ass and put on cloths and set Jesus upon them.-say what? Luke 7:20 Mr. John Baptist > whats missing is THE Luke 1:35 (( changed )) 2nd Corinthians 11:4 Told to do the absurdly wrong advice, Should be More like from such turn away! 2nd Corinthians 11:8 Paul did not Rob any churches. Matthew 9:17 Bottles,,,no bottles back then. Was Wineskins Luke 5:24 pick up your Couch.. nope.. Bed Matthew 7:1 lest ye be judged Luke 19:23 Purse not bank? Luke 2:46 not a doctor, was Elder i think? Luke 17:31 stuff, a slang word of modern times.. Was coat or cloak John 12:24 a corn of wheat? - was grain Luke 3:16 now says shoes, was,, sandals Luke 6:49 Sand and flood came - changed!!!.. Matthew 6:9-13 'Trespasses" not debt, like banking,, --changed--the Lord's Prayer Mark 13:10 preached to all nations is how I remember.. Romans 8:28 was > called Luke 17:24 two men in a field NOT a bed James 1:25 Was > Word,, not work John 8:32 the truth shall set you free.. not make John 1:41 the Christ --Messiah? spelled wrong? John 7:1 jewry,,lol was Judea Phil 4:6 Not > be careful.., was > i think troubled or 'anxious' Matthew 18:20 Two or more, not 2 or 3.. ---- Old Testament ---- Genesis 28:19 Like the sand of the Sea. and Nations will be blessed., not dust of the Earth.. Genesis 32:24 not a man.. - Angel of the Lord? Hosea 4:6 now says destroyed instead of Perish.. Hosea 4:14 looks like the word 'not' was just added in.. Exodus 26:34 was Holy of Holies Exodus 12:12 and verse 23 - IT WAS angel of death EXODUS 2:3 SLIME and Ark of bulrushes.. -THE WHOLE Scripture is off. - more like BASKET - PITCH and the rivers edge stands of bullrushes Numbers 11:12 'nursing fathers',,nope thats new and queer. Isaiah 60:16 'breast of kings' Nope and queer Daniel 6:2 'President Daniel' thats new.. Proverbs 26:10 Rewarding the fool and the transgressors aka sinners..Not Right, changed.