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There is a pattern emerging... πŸ€”

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October 30th 2023  

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Category: NewTube Related



- a year ago  

Finely they are getting the picture...,connect dots.., not bloodclothes!


- a year ago  

Gee, I wonder who controls the US government and centuries old medival cures/ vaccines/soft genocide/ disease creation/ murder/ torment/ medical monopolies that includes nations of France, Germany and the JEW/ Ottoman/Arab/ Islamic empires of depopulation? ...note the preponderance of medical shills aka snake oil salesmen! Scum using JEWERY as protection: AG - Merrick Horowitz Garland πŸ”― (FBI reports to him)... Facebook - Zuckerberg πŸ”―... YouTube - Susan Wocjicki πŸ”―... Google - Larry Page πŸ”― / Sergei Brin πŸ”―... COVID Czar Jeff Zients πŸ”―... CDC Director Rochelle P Walenksy πŸ”―... COVID Senior Advisor Andy Slavitt πŸ”―... CDC Chief of Staff Sherri A. Berger πŸ”―... CDC Deputy Director Anne Schuchat πŸ”―... CDC Chief Medical Office Mitchell Wolfe πŸ”―... CDC Director Washington Office Jeff Reczek πŸ”―... CDC Head of National Center Immunization until May, 2021 - Nancy Messonnier (nee Rosenstein) πŸ”―... COVID Czar Jeff Zients πŸ”―... Regeneron Pharma CEO πŸ”―..... Johnson & Johnson’s CEO πŸ”―... Head of Pfizer - Albert Bourla πŸ”―... Pfizer Chief Scientist - Mikael Dolsten - πŸ”―... Teva is an Israeli pharmaceutical company with πŸ”― CEO... Moderna’s Chief Scientist (who created vaccine) - Tal Zaks πŸ”―... AstraZeneca’s CEO was to take over as CEO of Israel’s Teva Pharma which means he’s πŸ”―... Blackrock CEO Larry Fink πŸ”―... Blackrock president - Rob Kapito πŸ”―... Vanguard CEO - Mortimer J Buckley πŸ”―... Blackrock and Vanguard are the two largest shareholders of both Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline as well as practically all the MSM.... No VACCINE IS SAFE, all are DIRTY and directed towards the Non-Jews, Non-muslim kaffir, infidel.


- a year ago  

Jew Supremacy because the Buy-BuLL: .... β€œIf a gentile strikes a Jew he is liable for the death penalty.” .... Sanhedrin 57a. β€œNon-Jews are uncompassionate by nature and attacks on them curb their evil inclination.”.... Sanhedrin 58b. β€œIf a Jew kills a gentile the Jew is to go free.”... Sanhedrin 57a-1: "When a Jew murders a gentile (Cuthean) there will be no death penalty." .... I will show you who the real racial supremacists are: "Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind, and to be the masters over the whole earth." – Rabbi Harry Waton.... "Goyim [non-jews] were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi [master] and eat. That is why gentiles were created.".... – Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, head of Shas Council of Torah Sages, during a sermon delivered October, 2010, in Jerusalem..... "We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build."....


- a year ago  

To find out who rules over you find out who you're not allowed to criticize...