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The (un)Holiest Hip Hop Mix of Biblical Proportions ((432Hz))

  - 2:24:44

One of the most sacrilegious mixtapes you'll ever hear- Get ready to confess.. For me, religion is division, superstition, head cages, limited hangouts.. there's a great quote that goes "don't let religion get in the way of your relationship with god, or creation, or nature. Yes of course there are some valuable teachings in most religions- they have to, otherwise who would follow it right? in god we trust printed on the dollar bill, f'real? money is a lot of people's true god and what they worship on their lil warships.. not pursuing real money- mon-eye (first eye/3rd eye) = spiritual wealth new age movement? new (c)age religion belief in authority like government? religion One of the biggest aspects to these religious psychological operations is "savior programming" leading people to be passive, not take a stand into their full potential, be the christ consciousness everyone's been waiting for since 2,022 years.. or just piss off this life and bide your crusty time for the afterlife in heaven or somehow magically ascend to 5D (cuz new agers are too cool for 4D skool).. What are we doing to create heaven on earth in this lifetime? Anchor in the higher dimensional frequencies thru ourselves and thus raise the vibration of the whole earth? where are people's true sense of streetwise spirituality? cultivating their sacred temples within themselves, what about those Tolerate & Co-exist bumper stickers? aren't those cute?? they're very creative i must say, but for me when i see that, it's like the dude in "They Live" wearing the glasses that sees thru the bs, I read "Tolerate head-cage programming" & "Co-exist in ignorance".. It's a good intention to respect people's beliefs, but why is it so bad or even dogmatic to challenge people's belief's, especially if it's accociated to a group who's caused harm or done immoral acts in the name of whatever they subscribe to. Something to state firmly about Paganism- it has been grossly misappropriated






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

October 29th 2022  

File Size: 208 MB

Category: Music

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