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Snooze Button Crusher - The Hip Hop Wake Up Hour ((OG Mix in 432Hz))

  - 1:12:12

This is just a simple wake up call, as if the last 2 projects weren't enough.. But it's never enough when the lies are pumped out profusely 24/7! After this we're gonna see where we go from here.. i have 2 joint videos coming out soon that talk about food, something that the truth community needs to consider a little bit more in their own lives just as well as anyone else.. after those, there'll be a mix about the whole mass media malarky telling lies to your vision- breaking that down with convicting and comical precision.. So come back soon for another listen! There were 3 mixes with this title Snooze Button Crusher a few years ago which were barely seen and hindered to to copyrights, which is cool cuz that gave me the opportunity to tak'em down, reformulate and come up with something better.. This is still in the wake the fuck up phase and style of messages.. I come with the truth in a plethora of flavors and tonalities- this is the though love kind.. My more spiritual side is all over the JazzyHipHopSoulVibes series (there's only 15 hours of good listening material there ;) Yes these mixes speak on many conspiracies, but when one goes in depth into these issues and considers the whole spectrum with an open mind, the conclusion is usually to the tone that these are facts recorded throughout history, not just petty "theories" of conspiracy... watch out for these programmed/hi-jacked words and terms.. People seem to get mad at the messengers more so than the one's that are manipulating them on the daily.. i will rain on your parades of ignorance only to leave you with the sun shining brighter than it was before.. The collective is astonishingly apathetic to the tyranny in the world and that needs to change otherwise we won't get outta this..






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 19th 2021  

File Size: 173 MB

Category: Music

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