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Alchemical Transmutations of Anger into Postive Energy ((432))

  - 1:15:25

MLK once said: "Returning violence with violence multiplies violence. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." with that said, we do have every right in the universe to defend our lives with force from violence, even if that force is deadly in order to stop being violated. The wreckless acts of the riots, provoked by agents of the state and George Soros goons, will cause the reaction of more violence and How many have had to endure tough arguments with people you know, especially in your own family who have dismissed most, if not all you try to explain to them in regards to what's really going on with this whole plandemic? Over the past few days, we have the convenient distraction for people to focus and get baited into the cliché race war psyop.. Divine love and consciousness are color blind in regards to one's physical complexion.. There is so much division going on right now and people are getting triggered the fuck out.. It's hard for me to see all these riots transpiring across the USA while i'm living in a calm town in southern france.. i try to get on facebook, altho i'd rather use some other social media platform (same with youtube), but the majority of the people i'm trying to inform and awaken are on there, so voila, but i'm getting trolled by so-called friends and even my own mother thinks i'm in some cult.. I will not allow these ignorant sentiments from others to deter me away from spreading the truth or knock me off my path.. True spirituality and morality doesn't tolerate ignorance and will not just take a bunch of insults by doing nothing about it.. We try to correct it and shine light on it and if these people throw shit your way, we can play that game a little, but i've noticed it doesn't amount to much and i tend to feel shitty about it.. funny how i've noticed folks can dish out the shit talking, but can't take their own medicine and act like it's a form of aggression or being mean when they instigated the situation.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 17th 2021  

File Size: 181 MB

Category: Music



- 3 years ago  

How true that is. The way things are now, you almost feel like a different species, the way some act with no debate no love no thought, only fear anger and aggression even against their own family members.


- 3 years ago  

real talk