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Anthony - NewTube FounderPLUS



Dr. Erickson COVID-19 FULL Briefing (Bakersfield doctors dispute need for stay at home order)

  - 1:08:09

The full video that had reached 5,000,000 views before being censored by YouTube. Part 2: This is the YouTube alternative that I've built, I'm starting a video series on how to use it and also how to run your own version of the software that powers NewTube since it is open source and freely available Please stick around and support my efforts as we try and liberate the world from YouTube's monopoly on video sharing. The best way to support me at the moment is financially so I can work on NewTube full-time instead of splitting my time with freelancing like I currently am, best way to donate is through PayPal at, any amount helps a lot thank you for the support!






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

April 27th 2020  

File Size: 209 MB

Category: Health And Wellness



- a year ago  

i jsut tryed out to search for this video and i click 10 of then non of them playing your site is broken and its very pitty :/


- a year ago  

70% of newtube videos are not playing and you cant download them :/ and its becoming worst and worst

FOS - Freefom Of Speech

- 3 years ago  

Is there a way to disable comments for my channel? Thank you


- 3 years ago  

Right, I saw that in Baltimore, just by driving by the parking lots, everywhere was empty. Not much of a pandemic but it sure looked like a plandemic to me !


- 4 years ago  

This video is not playing any more. This video played for about 45 minutes and it froze. Now it starts at the beginning but after 8 seconds it jumps to the end. Really is a shame when there are alternatives to the bastards at youtube but the alternatives don't work. I just signed up here and this is the 2nd video I have watched. Is Newtube structured like Bitchute? I hope not but that would explain the failure. Anybody have an idea what the problem could be?

Erratic Lee Me

- 4 years ago  

Covid19 the Pandemic is a Hoax... that’s reality


- 4 years ago  

thanks for the truth you bring to this discussion from uk


- 4 years ago  

Thanks for this channel of truth get rid corrupt elites platforms like YouTube Google criminals


- 4 years ago  

I signed up for New Tube. And paid. How do I access this app? I have an android phone and looked for this app in my playstore ...but, I can't locate New Tube. If I close this page, I might not be able to find it again. Thanks for your help. And thank you for creating this app!!


- 4 years ago  

These journalists are really clueless and have some of the worst short term memory or cause and effect deduction critical thinking processes I have ever seen. They don't even know who they came to see for a press conference. It would be nice to see a journalist who was previously in the career field the press conference was about. The last 10-15 minutes was the most important. Censorship, corruption, coverup. Abuse, neglect. Oppression, Suppression, Repression, Depression. About time the people take back their power and freedom. My medical status is my business and the people asking if I was tested for covid (as the customer did the other day) is a breech of confidentiality. Does she have an STD? Moving on.


- 4 years ago  

Thanks for the Content


- 4 years ago  

No sound?


- 4 years ago  

❓❓ Can you do this video too??? Thanks


- 4 years ago  

❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❌🛑 I want to share this video, but have a feeling they’ll remove this one as well. Can you save this one too❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓

You were right they did take it down, I reuploaded it here though:


- 4 years ago  

You rock!!!!!


- 4 years ago  

Can you save this video to your new tube platform before they remove it??? 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


- 4 years ago  

Thanks for uploading this. I have some reservations about their science (projecting from a non-random sample to the whole population, the claim that your immune system will be crippled by stay-at-home) ,., though they have a lot right, too... but what Google/YouTube did was outrageous.


- 4 years ago  

Great job, I'm not a doctor, but I just knew the numbers didn't add up and what they were feeding us on the network just didn't set well with me. thanl you


- 4 years ago  

His comparison of Sweden versus Norway is a good one, but completely disproves what he's advocating, primarily because he's using statistics that are outdated, now: Sweden Cases: 22,000, Norway 7,800 - Norways population is half, but has 41% fewer cases when compared to population. And, here's the biggest difference: Deaths Sweden 2,700, Norway 210 a 543% difference adjusted for population. If that doesn't indicate value from social distancing versus not, then "heartless" may a self descriptor. That, along with the use of invalid testing data when compared to population versus cases diagnosed due to testing ill people make this a wrongful, erroneous so-called analysis. He also says these measures have never been used before, well, his study of history isn't adequate. Add in the 1918 flu pandemic...and you see infection and mortality rates that are close to this. That only killed 500,000 people in the US, and 50M in the world. Let's sign up for that. Really!


- 4 years ago  

I appreciate your clarifying the statistics - right on. And totally agree regarding the "Spanish" flu. St. Louis immediately took measures to close down large gatherings, wear masks, distancing, etc. and saved many more lives than Philadelphia who waited to react. Thank you for your post.


- 4 years ago  

The mortality rates in the 1919 flu were noter remotely "close to this".They were incomparably higher, and that disease killed the young and healthy. The comparison is absurd. Cases/population is greatly dependent on testing rate. Are you claiming Sweden and Norway are the same in that respect? Denmark's dearth rate was sweveral times Norways, l;ast I looked. Why. (Both inflicted shut-downs.) And the doctors are not advocating, nor is Sweden implementing, no social distancing. The question is whether crippling the economy with largely bogus "stay at home"(sic) orders is a good idea. It's not.


- 4 years ago  

A spinal tap on a 1 month baby that has a fever?? That does not make sense. That is extreme. Rather than a spinal tap, assist and encourage mothers to nurse their babies with breastmilk!


- 4 years ago  

Immunity is not based on exposure alone. It is an amalgam of factors, beginning with birth and breast feeding, which greatly builds up digestion and immunity. Diet, exercise, rest, herbs/medicine (including sunshine + Vitamin D), and even laughter are all important factors that can support, boost, and expand immunity. Most people were showering daily, washing hands before meals, cleaning their kitchen counters, sneezing into the crook of their arms, etc. long before pandemic sheltering. In other words, people were limiting their germ exposure long before Covid-19. Immunity is not a straight line. It is wrong to assume that if I don't go out as much my immunity will tank. There are microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi coontinuously in the air, whether people are sheltering or not. And people bring dirt in after walking outside or gardening in the yard, etc. People are still be exposed to germs on their floors, rugs, from the people in their family that go out and run the errands, get exposed to things, and return home. No one is living entirely in a bubble, as people still need to get groceries, get essential supplies, receive packages, show up for work (some people), walk, etc. And we're all still breathing and touching things. Advocating for unfettered exposure is not a good argument to return to normal. Source/Life/God gives us ways (and choices) to minimize exposure to particularly harmful pathogens. Just because we CAN go without bathing, cleaning, or wisdom does not mean we necessarily should. Most of us choose to drink clean water for a reason: we don't want deadly diseases. So we choose our level of cleanliness and hope for the best. Sometimes harmful things find us anyway, and that's life. But we can take reasonable precautions if we choose. I am from a state that has kept most of our medical staff, that has prevented hospital overcrowding with a measure of sheltering, and as of today, that is is starting to reopen. I too want to see our economy restarted. California has been making some strange decisions that I don't agree with. However, an oversimplified linear argument about immunity is not the reason to quit sheltering. I believe California should certainly not lay-off medical personnel. How can a rush on the hospitals be prevented if medical facilities are understaffed - makes no sense at all. I do not believe most people are cowering at home, spraying Lysol to sanitize the air (ew!). From what I've seen when going out to walk, run errands, etc. most people are adapting beautifully (getting fresh air, walking their dogs, finding food, gardening, etc.) and hopeful for the future. But I digress. I believe we need to reopen the economy for economic reasons. Too many millions of people are not considered essential employees, but their salaries were essential to them. We need to get people off of unemployment and stimulus and move on before we become a woefully impoverished nation.


- 4 years ago  

I don't call the difference between `182 deaths (Norway) vs. 1,765 deaths (Sweden) "statistically insignificant" at all. And if you had a loved one lost, certainly not personally insignificant. Each person counts. The cavalier tone about approx. 1,500 more deaths in one country not mattering, is just outrageous. I understand the flu is ubiquitous and can be deadly. But we didn't know what there was to know about this novel disease and people are doing the best they can in their regions, based on what they know.


- 4 years ago  

The confirmed case rate in Sweden is essentially identical to that in Norway and Denmark. The death rate in Denmark is a multiple of that in Norway, despite both countries having inflicted economic shutdowns on themselves. And public policy is about making choices, not engaging in "no price is too high to pay" posturing. The crippling of the US economy will cause death and impoverishment, so stop pretending that your policy preferences have no cost.


- 4 years ago  

These guys are quacks and listening to them will get people killed. You can tell that they're quacks by the fact that they don't understand the basic difference between a shelter-in-place order and a quarantine. If there isn't someone standing outside of your house with the legal authority to kill for trying to leave, you're not under quarantine. Further, what kind of actual doctor even remotely suggests that it would've been appropriate to let more people die? The reason why we have lower numbers is due to those of us following the stay-home order. Experts? You're both idiots and political shills. The model worked because it prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths. You idiots would have the death rate rise to 10% of CA. You're going to kill people but, you're so far removed that you'll never have to look a patient's family in the eye to tell them the truth. You'll never have to hold a patient's hand while they die. You are quacks.


- 4 years ago  

Yes! Exactly! The word quarantine is bandied about very innacurately!! We are sheltering in place. If we are going to the grocery store, walking at a park, etc. we are certainly not quarantined! Sheltering in place is not the same as quarantine.


- 4 years ago  

YES, 100%! He told two lies in the first 4:30 of the video, not sure how people ignored it. We are not under quarantine and people do go see doctors if needed.


- 4 years ago  

"The reason why we have lower numbers is due to those of us following the stay-home order." Nonsense. The don't-work order is a joke as to its effectiveness in preventing the spread of the virus, and the doctors are good at explaining why. Yes, their science is a mixed bag... but so is Fauci's. And that the video is banned on YouTube is a scandal far worse than the doctor's arguments


- 4 years ago  

@JAM: There are no "shelter in place" orders.


- 4 years ago  

@Other: People are in fact NOT going to see doctor's as needed. In many placed elective treatments are not being performed, but "elective" does not mean "not needed", it merely means "not urgent"/can be delayed. But these delays in fact come at a cost in injury and death.


- 4 years ago  

"The reason why we have lower numbers is due to those of us following the stay-home order." Nonsense. - so 247,000+ dead across the world and possibly more is fake news? Silly question are you staying at home or out and about?


- 4 years ago  

They have not analyzed the data correctly and their math is wrong. They are presenting incorrect info thereby misleading the public. Http:// aThey need to fix this.


- 4 years ago  

Totally agree! They did not do their homework before the video. It does seem biased in their favor.


- 4 years ago  

That the video is banned on YouTube is a scandal far worse than the doctor's arguments


- 4 years ago  

Great job uploading this censored video. It's what brought me to NewTube. Kicking youtube to the curb!


- 4 years ago  

Great points I try to argue and people are just addicted to fear 😔


- 4 years ago  

The “two doctors” video that has been widely cited across independent and conservative media turns out to be yet another example of mathematical illiteracy parading as authoritative medicine. The two doctors featured in the video, Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massih, co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California, put on a clinic of mathematical and statistical illiteracy in their now-banned video, essentially claiming no lockdowns were ever necessary and that the coronavirus isn’t really very dangerous at all. To arrive at that absurd conclusion, they of course cite horribly bad math… the kind of math that would earn you an “F” in Statistics 101. From their video, here’s what they say:


- 4 years ago  

That the video is banned on YouTube is a scandal far worse than the doctor's arguments.


- 4 years ago  

Google chose power over humanity and censored the press because the video disputes their narrative


- 4 years ago  

They have Urgent care clinics "...from Fresno to San Diego ". "people are afraid to come to the ER because of Covid". These two obviously don't have a vested interest for the social isolation to be lifted. Erickson has his D.O. from a University based out of Pomona, CA. Massihi did "surgery" at USC most likely as a part of his residency rotation, not that he was a surgeon. Years of Immunology, Microbiology studies. These two are ER docs. Master of all expert in none. They would not actually treat any unstable Covid patients beyond putting an oxygen mask on and transfer them up to the ICU or to another hospital for higher level of care. This rhetoric appears to be profit driven.


- 4 years ago  

I agree that the fact that their rice bowls are being broken is little doubt a motivation for their speaking up. And their science is a mixed bag. But ad hominem attack is no answer to their arguments, nor does it prove their conclusion wrong. Miost importantly, it does not justify Google/Youtube's censorship.

Patriot Rose

- 4 years ago  

These guys are being censored on youtube and facebook. These guys are on point. They are 100% correct.


- 4 years ago  

What point?! and how are they correct? Almost 1,000 people per day were dying in NYC, please tell me when that happened during the flu season? Listen to what they are saying, they contradict their own arguments over and over.


- 4 years ago  

Italy over 2,000 people dying per day, these are facts not fiction. US reached that level as well.


- 4 years ago  

@Other: A raw death rate tells you almost nothing about the effectiveness of economic knee-capping as opposed to mitigation, except that the former has not been effective. The CASE RATE in Sweden is not notably different than in Denmark and Norway. It's death rate is higher, but over half the deaths are in nursing homes, which points towards a different cause than the difference in effectiveness between shut-down and mitigation. BOTH Denmark and Norway instituted shutdowns, but Denmark's death rate is twice that of Norway's. (All three have lower death rated than Britain, which instituted a shut down.) The real world is more complicated than you seem capable of comprehending.


- 4 years ago  

It tells you it's not like regular flu, i'm sorry you don't get reality.


- 4 years ago  

Also, check out this recent article written by a Stanford Doctor who draws the same conclusions:


- 4 years ago  

I just listened again and i have to say this guy is an IDIOT! Question one, his own words, 96% of people recover in Cali, what happened to the other 4%? 100 - 96 = 4, if the death rate is 0.03% in Cali as he claims wouldn't the recovery rate be 99.97%? 100 - 0.03 = 99.97 Basic math. He keeps repeating Millions of cases, small amount of deaths and that simply NOT TRUE. There aren't MILLIONS OF PEOPLE sick with Corona as he claims, even if all people haven't been tested! Now, let's take New York, 92% of people recover, his OWN WORDS, what happened to the other 8%, where do they go? Now to sum it up, every year during FLU season i don't see the health care system collapsing in New York. I never saw 1,000 people dying per day during 2017 and 2018 flu season, which is what was happening in New York about a week ago. So, making a claim that this is just like FLU is insane. His arguments are FALSE, and misleading thank you Google for taking this BS down! I don't know how this guy claims to be a doctor. He needs to go back to school and take 2nd grade math! Now last point, based on his logic 4,700,000 mln people sick in Cali and 1,227 have died making the death rate 0.03%. His own words 33,865 tested positive, which means based on his own logic the total number of deaths in Cali should be 10! 33,865 - 0.03% = 10.15 How does he explain that 1,227 people died from Corona in Cali?


- 4 years ago  

I agree that a lot of the statistics are not adding up. The doctors don't account for the unconfirmed infections & deaths, either. So when he says approx. 1700 people died in Sweden and approx. 200 people died in Norway and compares that to the known # of cases as he extrapolates, I don't believe he included the estimated # of unconfirmed cases & deaths (a range anywhere from 5 times to 55 times the number of confirmed numbers). So he uses holes in the data to make a dramatic point, but loses credibility when he ignores these vital points of information. I'm not for name calling and I don't know these doctors personally, so I wouldn't assume they don't deserve to be doctors. But I do believe there is a lot of ignored intelligence going on. As far as comparing Coronavirus/Covid-19 to the flu, when the swine flue took hold 100 years ago, more than 1/2 a million people DIED from it worldwide. Covid-19 is novel (a new form derived from the coronavirus family), and because it is newer, will have a much more dramatic death rate in the present until like the doctor said, societies develop herd immunity. In future years, unless the disease mutates, we shouldn't see as much of a death toll. One thing I found confusing for the doctors to say was that people didn't die of Covid-19, but rather the complications (25 years of tobacco use, etc.), but shortly after that, he said that Covid-19 kills people. So I think more thought and precision are definitely needed. We are all learning as we go and there will be mistakes, even by health professionals who think they have things figured out. The main problem is there aren't enough tests. Many of us will discover after testing that we've already had it. Meanwhile, I want the economy to start up again, but also want to minimize death. God bless.


- 4 years ago  

He's upset at the fact that he's not making money and that the GOV is preventing him from doing so. But just because it didn't get as bad as the models initially predicted doesn't mean it was a fluke. This is a serious virus; it has a very high contagion rate and it is deadly. Yes, it is not as deadly as Ebola, but it is not like flu either. I love how people now questioning the drastic actions taken to stop the spread of this pandemic. These actions saved lives, a lot of lives. Yes, it's very inconvenient and yes the economic toll is devastating and yes the human toll is also devastating (crime is up, domestic abuse, people relapsing, increased drug and alcohol use) but unfortunately the problem is much deeper and all Corona did was bring it up to the surface. Maybe if media would not polarize everything and not pour fuel on the fire maybe then things would be much better. These two “doctors” should watch what they said and really think hard because misinformation like this only makes things worse not better.


- 4 years ago  

Math illiterates should be careful when calling other people idiots. "...if the death rate is 0.03% in Cali as he claims wouldn't the recovery rate be 99.97%?" Yes. Of the 4.7M he claims to have been infected so far, if the number of deaths are only the .0261% who have so far died then, indeed, the recovery rate will turn out to have been 99.9739%. Yes, there are problems with their science, but nothing nearly as idiotic as your baseless/incoherent claim that "...Millions of cases, small amount of deaths and that simply NOT TRUE. There aren't MILLIONS OF PEOPLE sick with Corona as he claims, even if all people haven't been tested!" Their basic point is that "infected", and mostly recovered, are not "sick", and that the number of cases confirmed ought not be confused with the much larger number of cases of infection which have not been confirmed. Their argument that the latter number is, in California, 4.7M is flawed, but other arguments placing it in the millions are in fact better.


- 4 years ago  

@JAM: "One thing I found confusing for the doctors to say was that people didn't die of Covid-19, but rather the complications (25 years of tobacco use, etc.), but shortly after that, he said that Covid-19 kills people." Nothing confusing about it. SARS-2 does indeed kill some people, but tallying someonw who dies of lung disease after 25 years of smoking as a SARS-2 death is unjustified, but according to him, is being done. So the number of "COVID-19 deaths" has been overstated. That's one of their points. And they very much "account for the unconfirmed infections", it being their primary claim that the number of those is large, and by much more than a factor of 5. On the other hand they would absolutely deny that the actual number of SARS-2 deaths is understated by 5 or 55.


- 4 years ago  

@Gandydancer Let me try this again, he said "...96% of people who get Covid-19 recover..." what happens to the other 4%? Please explain.


- 4 years ago  

@Gandydancer “Baseless/incoherent claim”, do you have real facts or real data? I'm only going by the information available to me. If you know something us regular folks don’t then please share and if you don't, please stop with the conspiracy theories.


- 4 years ago  

VERY pleased to see that this video is uploaded here. these two offer DATA; and this is the very essence of science For any platform to ban this is contrary to the nature of science itself, even if these two men are wrong, which i strongly doubt


- 4 years ago  

Finally. This has been my suspension. Thanks Doctors!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for sharing the video of the two doctors.


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for sharing this and for making a way for this video to not be scrubbed everywhere


- 4 years ago  

You’re awesome for doing this we need to keep our eyes wide open. Stop this insanity of one world government control

Julie Olson PhD

- 4 years ago  

You doctors are NOT following science. You are comparing Covid that you have seen in your clinic to The general flu. But, you aren't using the same timelines. Look at all the deaths over a month from Covid-19 compared to a year's worth of deaths from the flu. This is not an accurate portrayal. It does show how Staying Home has flattened the curve! Imagine if we were not warned and were out without masks and doing our usual daily lives. The deaths would be astronomical. Listen to Fauci! These docs just want more business and do not care about you.


- 4 years ago  

Don't be silly. It's all overblown and destroying the world as we know it. Why?


- 4 years ago  

It's not inaccurate in the way you claim unless they failed to state that the CDC estimate of up to 62,000 deaths from the flu was for a complete flu season, which they did not. And the relevant comparison is not between stay-at-home and doing nothing (which they did not advocate) but between stay-at-home and mitigation, including stay-at-home for the particularly vulnerable. Also, Fauci is a clown who has repeatedly claimed to know thinks that he did not know and in the event have proved wrong. Nor is there any good estimate of how stay-at-home has flattened the curve. Your claim of "proof" is entirely bogus.


- 4 years ago  

* things PhD in what? For what institution should I be embarrassed?


- 4 years ago - 24,000 - 62,000 deaths - Corona already 67,682!


- 4 years ago  

I attempted to embed this video on my website but was unable. If you could send me a copy I would be more than happy to credit you as the uploader. Redpillthinktank . Ca


- 4 years ago  

I can't believe people are not seeing the flaw in this argument. The guy clearly says in Cali the number of people tested positive is 33,865, the number of tested is 280,900 which is ~12%: TRUE. Out of 39.5 mln people in Cali at 12% infection rate the potential number of people with Corona is 4.7 mln: ALSO TRUE. But currently there are only 1,227 deaths and he continues by "this makes it a 0.03% chance of dying from COVID": FALSE. The TRUE death rate as per his own numbers is 3.6% from people who tested positive 33,865, 1,227 have died. If 4.7 mln test positive for Corona in Cali the death toll will be 169,200 people, not 1,227. You can't compare current number of deaths to the potential number of people who might get Corona. And just to clarify i'm all pro opening the country back up and i'm not taking any political sides but this is similar to how people in media were saying "After spending 700,000,000 on his campaign Bloomberg would be better off giving 1,000,000 to every American..." one little detail they forgot is that there are 500,000,000+ Americans not 500.


- 4 years ago  

not 500m Americans


- 4 years ago  

Yes Jogger 382 mln not 500, my mistake.


- 4 years ago  

No, their science is bad but yours is worse. You can't project the death rate among those already tested onto the entire population of California any more than you can project the positive rate of those tested onto the entire population of California. And Erickson said ".03" not .03%. (The actual number he should have come up with in his bogus calculation was indeed .0261%.) And 382M is an unusually high number for a US population estimate. Usually the number claimed is around 330M. Now, this includes a probable underestimate of illegals, but not by 50M.


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

@Gandydancer – Hey, you right! He said “0.03 chance of dying from Covid-19 in State of California…” Let me ask you what does 0.03 chance means?


- 4 years ago  

Wow, just goes to show how the people that we are supposed to trust feed us a bunch of BS to scare the hell out out of us so they can control our lives.This video should be shown around the world.


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for your patience with the media.


- 4 years ago  

Relevant and on topic 👍👏


- 4 years ago  

They have been savaged by Mike Adams over at Natural News. But I doubt the population sample cited consisted entirely of self-selected people. There seems to have been some random testing in California - as there has been here in New Zealand since the first few weeks of the Covid outbreak.


- 4 years ago  

Their science is a mixed bag, but the main point is the temerity of Youtube in hiding the video. 47 U.S. Code § 230 badly needs reform.


- 4 years ago  

ty i was teed off when youtube yanked it down before i could watch it

wayne howell

- 4 years ago  

I hate YouTube and its censuring of free speech. I will support this site as long as it promotes our freedom to speak freely.


- 4 years ago  

when i get back to work ill def be supporting this place i say give youtube hell


- 4 years ago  

Youtube is owned by Google. After they fired Damore I made duckduckgo my default.

American Woman

- 4 years ago  

There was also a highly viewed video on YouTube that was removed yesterday as well. It was a rancher who was talking about how there was going to be a meat shortage in the US very soon because of the effects of the COVID virus. Did you see this video? Is there any way that you can find it and upload it here?

I think I found them both, rancher: and part 2 of the press conference here: Thanks for letting me know!

American Woman

- 4 years ago  

There was a Part 2 to this original video that contained an additional 15 minutes of important footage! Any chance of recovering that? Any way that I can save this video so I can keep Sharing it? Is this video saved here or on YouTube? If YouTube deletes it again, will it be removed from here too?


- 4 years ago  

The ABC Bakersfield part 1/2 video is still deleted, but I believe part 2/2 is still on their channel. And someone re-uploaded part 1/2. It's considerably shorter than this video, so I think you may be mistaken about the incompleteness of this version. I've also seen this video on brighteon. (Go there, search for Bakersfield.) There are many utilities to download internet videos.


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for creating this platform and speaking out about your insights on Covid 19. Will try to support you as much as I can


- 4 years ago  

so glad you are doing this


- 4 years ago  

Holy That's alot of views


- 4 years ago  

I just hate the way the media was goading them to say Dr Fauci is wrong

Lonna Lisa Williams New

- 4 years ago  

Great idea. Thanks!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for creating this much needed platform!


- 4 years ago  

I totally agree 😊


- 4 years ago  

Hospitals, depending where you live are not getting over ran by any virus. COVID-19 especially is not making a dent. Places that are getting killed are the High Density cities. Ever wonder why Chicken Farmers are afraid of viruses in a chicken coop. Density, and the ez of transmission. These two gentleman and others that conferred with them hit a home run. I daily I look at a lot of empty hospital beds and hole floors empty waiting for the Coronavirus to hit. 6 weeks, nothing. Hand full here and there. Go outside, get some air.


- 4 years ago  

Monkey_boy is correct - people getting tested usually have symptoms, so this is not a random sample (and elevates the percentage of positve tests). That said, random (or in some cases, almost random) antibody tests in Santa Clara county, LA County, NYC, New York, Germany, etc. ALL point to much higher prevalence of Covid19 in communities than the number of confirmed cases suggests. Often the factor by a factor of 20x to 100x higher, which means the case fatality rate is often 1/20 to 1/100 of the rate commonly reported in the mass media. Most politcians/reporters/mass media are using FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) to extend the lockdowns (and thieir power and control) for as long as possible, but with huge economic and health costs. (Irony of unintended consequences - The Washington post reported 4/27 that "excess deaths, non-Covid19 related" have increased dramatically in the United States since the lockdowns were implemented. This video is excellent. Thanks for posting. The information you presented can help persuade our leaders to change course sooner, rather than later. We need to make as much progress toward herd immunity (maybe 60% of population with antibodies) before the "2nd wave", which could coincide with the flu season this fall.

Uppity Livestock

- 4 years ago  

Thanks for posting this here. I joined and subscribed specifically in solidarity with you and the doctors and to fight the insidious Big Sister censorship at the increasingly hated Youtube. I'll share this far and wide and talk up the new platform. Edit: A humble suggestion/request - please offer a night mode for viewing comfort of those with poor vision. Many thanks.

Uppity Livestock

- 4 years ago  

Thanks for posting this here. I joined and subscribed specifically in solidarity with you and the doctors and to fight the insidious Big Sister censorship at the increasingly hated Youtube. I'll share this far and wide and talk up the new platform.


- 4 years ago  

Thank you!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you so much for being Americans Advocates ❤️


- 4 years ago  

For some reason its not playing.... just spinning


- 4 years ago are amazing for starting this site.


- 4 years ago are awesome.


- 4 years ago  

Common sense at last

On Knowing

- 4 years ago  

Nice to meet you


- 4 years ago  

Love you, you’re awesome!!!!!!


- 4 years ago  

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- 4 years ago  

his overall points are right--but I doubt they were testing random samples of general population, rather the test were people who were sick and seemed like they might have covid. So I don't think they did all their stats right--but their overall points are right. And the goal was to not over-run the hospitals, and clearly that was accomplished.


- 4 years ago  

Yes, that means that 4.7 mill cases in Calif is almost certainly an overestimate. And Dr Erickson divided the number of attributed Calif deaths (~1500, iirc) by his 4.7M and came up with a "chance of dying from SARS-2" of 0.03. He said this twice, but it was actually 0.0261 PER CENT, so he was off by a factor of over 100 (albeit in a direction opposite to what his argument wanted). Also, it fails to account for future deaths from current infections... Also, his argument that stay-at-home will cripple immune systems didn't make any sense. There are viruses aplenty in your home to keep the system active, though you may be deprived of the opportunity specifically to develop SARS-2 immunity by contact with sub-infectious doses and dead or damaged virus. (At least that's what occurs to me as a non-doctor.) Also, no, it's not clear that stay-at-home accomplished anything in the way of avoiding hospital strain, compared to mere "mitigation" (as the Imperial College modeling would have it) strategies. There;s little need to give our government's mistake even that much credit.


- 4 years ago  

This is important