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Tony HellerPLUS



PBS Says Texas Wind And Solar Didn't Fail

  - 0:42

Sitting in their nice, warm fossil fuel powered studio, PBS says Texas wind and solar didn't fail.






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February 23rd 2021  

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- 4 years ago  

Weijia Jiang is Fang Fang’s sister! Another Hunter play toy in CCP RED UNIFORM!


- 4 years ago  

Is that semen on her chest?


- 4 years ago  

There was like this storm like you know and it was like really debilitating AF.


- 4 years ago  

her english is really good


- 4 years ago  

Sound like DEMOCRATIC BS propaganda


- 4 years ago  

Any mindless idiot can sit in front of a TV and read a Teleprompter. Look at the current president.


- 4 years ago  

The Trumpet loves them too!! 🤗


- 4 years ago  

She pretend to be judge over what is disinformation - But she knows nothing, i.e. a typical journalist


- 4 years ago  

You know nothing Jiang Snow


- 4 years ago  

In my military training the study of propaganda was core curriculum. This brief clip is an interesting study in propaganda. Note the emphasis on key words, "leadership", "misinformation", "failure".


- 4 years ago  

Wind and solar are always available 24x365. Failure to accept this indisputable truth will not be tolerated.


- 4 years ago  

Actually it’s the liberals / the left who don’t want to take responsibility for any thing - look at the Democratic cities today - an area of crime, homeless living on the street, drugs, needles, and crap throughout the city, homes and businesses boarded up, no job opportunities available - in Texas the governor laid it out that when extreme measures pop up, wind power is not the source to pull situations out of th hole.


- 4 years ago  

Well, PBS would know! Ha!


- 4 years ago  

Remember, your tax money goes to produce this garbage.


- 4 years ago  

Just how do silly, little twits become so ignorant and arrogant at the same time? Inquiring minds want to know.


- 4 years ago  

Don't listen to the governor. Listen to the pretty, silly, little twit on PBS. Yeah ... I'll do that.


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

"To be clear" ... ya, the Wind mills froze and stopped spinning so they couldn't generate power, the solar panels were covered with snow and stopped producing power. Their contribution combined was 16%. Renewables were used to replace heating elements in well head gathering lines and so the water and Methane hydrates froze, blocking the lines. But, *somehow*, it wasn't "Green" energy's fault. PBS, always lying for the Marxists.


- 4 years ago  

Would be good to see something other than just a statement!!... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

Anyone who believe anything they're told by the lamestream media simply hasn't been paying attention for the last decade or two. Paraphrasing the great Mark Twain: If you don't read or watch modern media, you're uninformed. If you read or watch modern media, you're mis-informed.


- 4 years ago  

Texit ASAP


- 4 years ago  

Renewable energy sources just failed in Texas and Germany under subfreezing conditions, yet the political left will turn the tables again by repeating lies like this over and over on every type of news outlet until the majority buy into the propaganda. Hitler said that if you keep repeating something enough times, the people will believe it.


- 4 years ago  

ERCOT expected wind energy was 8MW, they ended up with 6MW. That is a loss of 2MW. ERCOT expected thermal energy (coal,gas,nuclear) was a loss of around 28MW. But keep telling yourself it was all wind/solar that was the problem. Iowa gets more wind evergy than Texas and yet did not have the same problems with the arctic blast. Why do you think that is? The far west, panhandle, and far east of Texas also did not have the same ERCOT blackouts because they are connected to other grids. But it is the wind that is the problem. Please keep investing in fossil fuels, that is all I ask of you. I need your money.


- 4 years ago  

From 3:00AM 2/15 to 12:00AM 2/17, in Texas, nuclear, gas, and coal produced 91% of all electricity generated.... Average capacity usage was 76% for nuclear, 39% for coal, 38% for gas, 24% for solar, and 12% for wind. Gas and coal did much better than wind. . .... The lowest capacity usage in this period was 74% for nuclear, 34% for coal, 33% for gas, 2% for wind, and near 0% for solar. ......


- 4 years ago  

There's 10 TIMES more people in Texas than Iowa, plus a huge economy. No comparison. Demand peaked and renewables failed. Nothing wrong with renewables. They are just trying to ram them through before the technology is there.


- 4 years ago  

At least PRPA in Northern Colorado is not spinning like ERCOT did. They admit their call for conservation was about wind and solar. ..... “This is a standard protocol for extreme cold weather situations,” Steve Roalstad stated via email. “In our case, however, we were not getting much energy production from our wind and solar resources because of snow on the panels and icing, which led to tight electricity supplies.” ..... The wind turbines, he said, were affected by snow, ice, and LITTLE WIND. Their output was back to normal by mid-day Monday." ...... Fortunately, their evil fossil fuel plants kept running the entire time. ......


- 4 years ago  

And Mountain Parks Electric was telling thhe truth too, unlike ERCOT. ....... ENERGY CONSERVATION NEEDED (Sunday, February 14) ...... In the past hour, MPE received notification from its power supplier that regional wind turbines iced up and are unable to generate electricity. This has created the potential for an interruption of electric service for MPE and its consumers (depending on the duration and consumers' usage patterns). ....... To attempt to minimize the risk of a power outage, MPE is requesting you to take action. If you are able to conserve energy immediately - by washing clothes and dishes later, turning down thermostats a couple of degrees, using a microwave oven instead of an electric range, turning off space heaters, etc. - please do so. Your swift response may help us all avoid the loss of power. ....... We apologize for the inconvenience and will update you as soon as more information becomes available."


- 4 years ago  

Outrigger, why is it that I have to conserve energy when the likes of billy bobgates, aoc, shumer, al gore, and all the other lying hypocrites do not?


- 4 years ago  

@Bandit6- I agree with you. I was only making the point that PRPA was not spinning that wind and solar were not the problem like ERCOT.


- 4 years ago  

@Outrigger: Thank you for your valuable info regarding contribution shares of the diverse energy sources. I may add that an average of 24 % by solar might be correct if measured year-round, but isn't feasible in winter months. Winter values typically hover around 2 % for solar (the graphs I know of show that). And even on a year-round base I'm doubtful if these numbers pertain to actually usable energy instead of excess which can't be stored. I have to acknowledge, though, that the southern latitude of Texas facilitates solar energy production.


- 4 years ago  

Hey bendover!!. How do you they are not!!?... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

I thought 24% for Solar looked high too, but was the maximum and maybe only lasted for a short period.The minimum of about 0% for solar looked correct though.


- 4 years ago  

I wonder how they train those presenters to lie through their teeth.


- 4 years ago  

I think it is a required course to get a journalism degree. Graduate level Lying-Through-Your-Teeth classes are taught by CNN anchors.


- 4 years ago  

Funny how the liberals are all bitchy!


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

Everyone needs to start taking some personal responsibility. We all know the grid is fragile and can go down at any minute. All it takes is a car hitting a pole, a malfunction at a power plant, an ice storm, a tree falling over, a hurricane, etc., etc. If we all collectively rely on faith in unknown strangers to fix the power/gas/whatever every time it goes out before the pipes freeze or the freezer thaws out, then we all kind of have "it" coming. We need to be collectively stronger and more resilient of a society. As it is now, we've never been weaker. I mean this about all "developed" nations, not just the USA.


- 4 years ago  

You can't fix stupid.


- 4 years ago  

LOL PBS used to be great


- 4 years ago  

To be clear PBS, there is no green new deal yet

My Brighteon Channel

- 4 years ago  

Legacy News Media prove every single day they are the #EnemyOfThePeople . 🤔 These deceiving creatures disgust me.


- 4 years ago  

A perfect storm of weather, wrongheadedness and wishful thinking Putting the wind up the climate change zealots.


- 4 years ago  

What clowns they are. But we are all fairly lost after fake news and political "science" have wiped out all valid documentation. Snake oil salesmen are what we are left with.


- 4 years ago  

Amazing how deeply embedded “communazi” ideology is embedded in our communications. All facts are disinformation all lies are truth. How long can it be until Biden establishes a “ Ministry of Truth”? We are now criminalizing disagreement.


- 4 years ago  

Wow, the green new deal was deadly for Texans. Yes they are trying to gaslight us all. Thanks Tony! 👍❤🌬🇺🇸🐇 PS Texans like Wyomingan's should be the last ones to have any power problems! They have plenty of resources. There, I said it.


- 4 years ago  

So, are we supposed to take her "unbiased" view that later on the governor directly contradicted what we saw in the tape? "There was no green deal"? WTF does that mean? Of course he took responsibility for the 'failure of resources' because he got bamboozled into depending on wind and solar - that IS the green deal - and he knows now that wasn't such a good plan as he stated clearly in the clip. She is right about it being the leadership that is responsible. The leadership that gets fooled into relying on unreliable renewable energy sources should be blamed.


- 4 years ago Why did these other states that rely on more wind than Texas not have the days long blackouts like Texas even though they also had the arctic cold?


- 4 years ago  

Both sides blame each other; we have a dysfunctional government that is unable to do its job, and is unconstitutionally meddling in things that are not supposed to be its business. Only a fool still believes "The System" (TM) will take care of everything. We're all preppers now.


- 4 years ago  

I now automatically assume that anything said by this fraudulent administration is totally fraudulent as well, as both they and the CCP controlled media clearly gaslight all of us.