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Tony HellerPLUS



Climate Mafia Downs The Satellites

  - 9:32

Surface temperatures have been corrupted for decades by government agencies, and more recently satellite and radiosonde data have also been corrupted to bring them into compliance.






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April 10th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

80%percent believe in god!!!! we havent come very far in 200 years hate to say it but i wish the aliens would take over all ready they scare me lots less then people


- 4 years ago  

What I don't understand is the broadening of the error ranges of satellite data since approx 2000 compared to those from earlier years ? (- see for example 05:00)


- 4 years ago  

Those goofy ballers and their heliocentric rubbish!


- 4 years ago  

Another top class unhysterical , un - neurotic expert critique of the lying climate lunatics . Gret one Tony,Thank you.


- 4 years ago  

Thanks again Tony! More exposure of corrupt government agendas. Unfortunately, there are sooo many 'sheep' that will believe absolutely everything their favorite news anchor or government officials tells them. Much easier to do this. We live in a very lazy society where people want the easy way out and will not question anything as this might take some effort...Sad sad days.


- 4 years ago  

The pre(skamm)dictions will not end until the climafia elites have the entire world population in shackles: By the late 21st century, the number of people suffering extreme droughts will double


- 4 years ago  

The Earth's surface is 2/3 water. Any water shortages are only because humans don't have their priorities in order. If we can fly people to Mars by 2030 and have who knows how many new wars by then, we could build solar powered desalination/distillation plants and pipelines to bring water to every person and their land on Earth.


- 4 years ago  

I have never been clear what satellites are measuring. My understanding is that it is radiation from oxygen molecules which is then converted to a temperature. The result is an average temperature through a depth of the atmosphere. I have never seen any information about what depth and whether this is from the surface upwards. All I see is more confusion. The standard surface temperature measurement is around 1.5 metres above the land surface, but at sea it is a sea surface temperature. How can these different records be combined?

Truth Sleuth

- 4 years ago  

I am SO glad to see that there are potentially 15,000 people being reached by your message(s), Tony. It gives me hope that there might be enough sane people remaining to rebuild civilization after all the deceived sheeple die of stupidity. I think of the poor people in TX who recently got a glimpse of the Green Future that will result from the malevolent implementation of Agenda 2030. Just in time for the GSM, too.


- 4 years ago  

Well, the future isn't what it used to be, as they say. It's not looking good.


- 4 years ago  

NASA OBFUSCATES any and all photos and data to create whatever narrative their government handlers dictate. The era of the “Right Stuff” scientists since soon after the moon landings started in 1969 are done at NASA. Today’s NASA scientist may still be doing great work behind their smoke and mirrors Wizard of OZ curtain but first and foremost to get continually funded, year after year today, they must play ball with their government handlers OBFUSCATING for the ultimate Cultist Global Warming Demoncrats... the wicked witch ain’t dead at NASA, unfortunately far from it!!! ————- I love your title for this Newtube video “Climate Mafia Downs the Satellites”. Climate Mafia is exactly who is running NASA now. The regular Joe and Jane scientist at NASA may be free thinkers or are so compartmentalized to NOT know any ultimate NASA agenda. ————- Like Ben Franklin who hid doing autopsies on cadavers, who in his time if found out would have been arrested or worse, he worked his science in secret. The ultimate scientist bucking the system historically was Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) who played a key role in any history of science and, in many histories of philosophy, he is a, if not the, central figure of the scientific revolution of the 17th Century. His work in physics or natural philosophy, astronomy, and the methodology of science still evoke debate after over 400 years. His role in promoting the Copernican theory and his travails and trials with the Roman Church are stories that still require re-telling. ————- Today’s religion or Cult of Global Warming is as damning to those who deny its 30 year existence then the Catholic Church was back in Galieo’s time. These Dem Haters of any and all who deny Global Warming End of Times myth and DO NOT drink their CUP of CO2 Kool-Aid, will indeed be shunned or worse by them. ————- Saying today “Global Warming due to CO2 increases by only the GOP led fly over states CO2 Increases” is a “MYTH OF GIANT PROPORTIONS”, would be the same as in back in the 1930’s Germany, to say openly that the German people were not the “MASTER RACE!” You would not been left alone for long back then in German proper, if you denied openly that the Germans were not the “Master Race!” ————- Yes it’s madness but true yet again, the human condition changes little over time. The new Cult of today’s Dem’s is Global Warming. Resistance is seemingly futile for those that see the truth, but I thank Tony Heller for making it so clear. ————- We must all try to stay true to what we know by science is true and not join the unthinking programmed Americans and minions worldwide that hate us and also latch onto this cult of Global Warming nonsense. It is difficult because they want to burn any deniers of their Cult at the political stake who try to buck their cult madness. Global Warming or German Master Race myths, I see no differences in either myth on the human condition and spiraling into madness!


- 4 years ago  

The people on the left are so far into this lie that they are not going to listen. So sad. Just like the mask. Compliance is the easy way. We must question everything.


- 4 years ago  

Right on. Makes me think of being in an airplane at 60,000 ft when the "Fasten Seat belt" light comes on cuz the engine is on fire. We need parachutes, not information.


- 4 years ago  

very soon as Covid recedes and the public tires of The hysteria, there is no doubt a vast new climate crisis will be declared creating a world worse than Orwell predicted.


- 4 years ago  

You are assuming the CCP Virus Wuhan flu is going to recede. I have already heard of a 3rd and 4th wave of mutated virus. This is never ending because of all the weak and stupid people


- 4 years ago  

Part of the psyops is to get people to wallow in despair and resolve themselves to a future where the globalists have gotten what they wanted and there is nothing anyone can do about it. They know that plenty of people see what they are doing and the cat is out of the bag at this point. Thats why they are being so brazen lately and openly talking about their global commie tyranny plans and trying to frame it as something you want. At this point, it’s about convincing you that you can’t do anything about it and then you just help them implement it by expecting it. Don’t fall for their illusions of power, they don’t have as much as people think. These things happen, not by force, but by the majority of people just accepting it. Accepting it out of fear of their manufactured boogeyman or accepting it out of falling into despair thinking you are powerless to stop it, they don’t care which one. They are actually losing the narrative at this point and they are back peddling trying to regain it. People are waking up, and there is a lot of signs that they are losing their grip on the consensus. Tons of my friends have went from falling for the Greta doom porn spell to snapping out of it and seeing that it’s all propaganda just in the last year. Tons of scientists and politicians are now speaking out about these nefarious agendas, where two years ago it was looked at as fringe conspiracy craziness. Don’t lose hope, they are actually losing right now.


- 4 years ago  

Superb video. Concise, to the point, and devastating to the Left.


- 4 years ago  

WE are definitely heading into war !


- 4 years ago  

The US ICBM force will use the ACCURATE temperatures, not the "adjusted" data, because they want their missiles to hit the designated targets if the need arises to fire them. If the air were warmer then its density, and hence drag, would be less. The missile delta-v's would be reduced to avoid overshoot, and would result in the missiles falling short. Russia and China wouldn't make such foolish mistakes but would encourage the Americans to do so. Mann and his gang are risking their and our lives with their lies because it would make "Mutually Assured Destruction" not so mutual.


- 4 years ago  

That is a very good point, thank you.


- 4 years ago  

Is there no common concept of scale? The average depth of the ocean is 12,210 feet, the top 45 feet of the ocean have the same ability to store, absorb, and release HEAT as the entire atmosphere!


- 4 years ago  

good info


- 4 years ago  

Obviously not, people are dumb. That's why every news broadcast that tries to describe distance or length, does it in the most retarded units imaginable. "It's like 243,000 school busses end to end!" "enough dollar bills to go to the moon and back 18 million times!" "as tall as 300 pet cats!"


- 4 years ago  

Politicians are supposed to work for "we the people", but instead now want to "rule the people". I applaud those heroes who are still willing to stand up for the facts. Most of those in government have become "enemies of the people", selling out to the almighty dollar. And we the people WILL remember who the charlatans are...


- 4 years ago  

It says about climate refugees on the doom reports. Lots and lots of climate refugees. Method:- Intentional over population of 3rd world countries by endless cycles of famine relief crisis. Stealthy manipulation of age old natural events. The country can only support X number of people, wait for famine and the press, generate aid, then send aid till the villages are full to bursting. Step back and wait a short while...Then a natural climate cycle causes a drought then famine and hey presto mass movement of people. Quite deliberate. Taking agrarian 3rd world countries, aid boosting the population above naturally sustainable levels. Knowing full well there will be natural climate fluctuations and draught. The 3rd world aid industrial complex if you like. The NGO's have fully salaried staff funded by professionally generated hysteria. Throw some religious fanatical war mongers and a few powerful carpet bagging communists in the mix and hey presto, mass movement of people because "climate emergency" The people who are controlling this don't give a shite about the 3rd world at all. They deserve hell and I prey that they get it...

Jonathan Wapcaplet

- 4 years ago  

When the data doesn't fit with the theory then the data must be wrong. Simple; just fiddle the figures and presto!


- 4 years ago  

This is felonious, altering evidence.


- 4 years ago  

Thanks Tony.


- 4 years ago  

The "Climate Change" psyop is working in tandem with the "Covid19" psyop.


- 4 years ago  

AR=15 time soon

Brendan Ward

- 4 years ago  

I wish the weather was as predictable as these fraudsters.

Glenn Howden

- 4 years ago  

I know. The climate changes over time, but the megalomaniacs still use the same old tactics over and over again. Fear the invisible and hate the scapegoats.