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Tony HellerPLUS



Erasing Natural Immunity

  - 8:24

The constantly changing narrative about immunity has been just as interesting to watch as that of the settled science of climate.






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November 14th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

It's pretty clear this is all about making $$$ at our expense, even if it kills or disables us.


- 3 years ago  

NEWSBREAK! A version of this gene doubles the risk of dying from COVID-19 The gene variant doubles the risk of dying of COVID-19 in people under 60. Ah, yes! Since the barrage of media info-trash hasn't been as effective as the skamm-ligarchs would prefer, covvy is now genetic. Ain't dat precious!


- 3 years ago  

Nice one Tony

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

Definition of Science is now made by internet fact checking thugs with zero knowledge about anything.


- 3 years ago  

Shouldn't it be obvious by now by looking at such data as is presented in this video that there is no virus causing these people to be sick but rather it is something about the shot itself they have received? I have seen one video put out by a doctor in South Dakota that did an autoimmune workup on every patient he had that got the shots, and he found that in essence with every successive shot his patients' immune systems were being systematically destroyed, namely by wiping out their white blood cells. Naturally, this would leave such people completely vulnerable to any infection. In the hospital system where I work, in the charts that the doctors are producing, the only thing I am seeing are people suffering from what the doctors are calling covid-19 pneumonia, which in fact is a bacterial pneumonia because well over 90% of the patients are getting better within two days of starting broad-spectrum IV antibiotics and are being discharged home within a week. I have yet to do a death summary on any of these patients in this so-called fourth wave of the covid pandemic. In the city where I work, I still see well over 50% of people wearing masks even outdoors. The obvious source of these bacterial infections is the masks. As for the small numbers of patients not improving immediately with IV antibiotics, I would attribute that to the fact that I have yet to see one chart note in which a doctor has actually ordered a sputum for culture and sensitivity to identify the specific infectious organism and the specific antibiotic to prescribe for it.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

I have been doing research about cov19 since 03/20 after a friend caught it. At that time you could find only 3 studies related to cov19. In May of 2020 I caught the Wuflu, I and others referred to it as the Wuflu because by then it was well known that the pandemic began as a result of a leak from the Wuhan Virology Lab, or from a beautiful Chinese woman out for dinner and choosing an entree of delicious bat soup. I was relieved after testing positive because I knew that I was finished with all the protocol of masks and sterilizing everything I came in contact with. It never occurred to me to be in fear for my life. Just as was later confirmed chances of recovery were near 99%, 100% in my case. That was about the same time the Red Cross began asking for covid plasma donations. I hurriedly began donating my type O- plasma, the hottest commodity in the medical world to treat covid patients. I continued through March 2021 still showing positive for the covid19 NON GMO anti-body. To my surprise after the last donation the Red Cross informed me that they had received enough covid19 plasma and no longer needed my donation. That was despite the news reporting a dire and grim out look with hockey stick graphs of people getting sick and dying. Then came even worse news, I was now just as likely to die and spread covid19 to the entire planet as was the A symptomatic person harboring the cotangent, shedding the virus in a 6' bubble surrounding us. It was right about then that enough pieces of nonsense coming from the MSM alerted me that there was something shady was occurring. Have you ever encountered a situation when a person that you know did something has an endless collection of excuses to avoid blame or to point the blame elsewhere? Each excuse becoming increasingly absurd? Now the absurdity has reached levels only found in a spellbinding Science Fiction novel. Where the population have all become zombie insects.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

We do not have an immune system. Germ theory is garbage ! Viruses do not exist ... NOW THAT WE KNOW THERE ARE NO PATHOGENIC VIRUSES, WHY DO WE GET SICK? OCTOBER 15TH WEBINAR Dr. Tom Cowan


- 3 years ago  

Don't believe everything you think.


- 3 years ago  

The CCP and its US Government pawns have created this Kabuki theatre to take over, which they seem to be successful in doing so far.