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Tony HellerPLUS



Trump Derangement Syndrome

  - 4:50

People suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome will cut off their nose to spite their face.






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November 13th 2020  

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- 4 years ago  

Biden if allowed in the White House we will all be at the gate of a Communist Gulag blinded led to slaughter...


- 4 years ago  

I'm going to use that quote. You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


- 4 years ago  

Your friend is a good example of what our school systems are producing. People that have absolutely no critical thinking abilities, who have been indoctrinated into the leftists’ mindset throughout their “educational” experience. Well did the Soviets speak of these people as “useful idiots”. If we don’t reclaim, or replace, academia this will continue and we are through as a free Country. The taxpayers are subsidizing this constant descent through government guarantees of student loans. If these institutions are truly providing useful skills to their graduates then let them co-sign their student loans. This would quickly eliminate the *****-studies programs that are entirely worthless outside of academia and place the emphasis on STEM majors that build the Country rather than tear it apart.


- 4 years ago  

Biden is a Democrat, he will say anything if it gets votes. He is merely exploiting the fear induced by the mainstream media misinformation to his advantage. That's what career politicians do. Like all previous Democrat presidents, once in power he will forget all this BS. Lying with a straight face is an essential skill. Remember; the secret of success is sincerity, once you can fake that, you've got it made.


- 4 years ago  

Sadly, everything you say is true Tony!


- 4 years ago  

Even if you accept the inflated government death statistics, the lockdowns and restrictions have killed many times more people than the Wuhan Chinese coronavirus has. Look into the numbers on suicides, drug overdoses, more advanced cancers (due to people not being checked as they would otherwise have been). It's tragic. Of course, scumbags like Joe Biden and his pals want to do the same thing again...


- 4 years ago  

Locking down the country is government's way of showing who really runs this place, and what they can do to us if we don't tow the line and do as we are told.

Gilfort the great

- 4 years ago  

TDS will kill more people than Covid. It is a virus that infects western civilisation and drives it to it’s downfall.

Peter Clark

- 4 years ago  

Ideologues live in their 'pure-thought' bubbles. The only real perspective is that of Conservatism; the one that says 'change is always coming, it's unavoidable, and it needs level heads to chip and grind at it till newly polished, it fits. That's our job.'


- 4 years ago  

They only follow their feelings. "My blood is boiling when he speaks! He makes me so angry!" But with zero emissions you cannot make solar panels, windturbines, not even hydro electric power because of all the steel and concrete. Then we can only burn wood for cooking and heating. All the forrests will disappear. So we can do nothing. All will die.


- 4 years ago  

What did socialists use for light before candles and kerosene? Electricity.


- 4 years ago  

Great Reset 2030